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Ashlar Securities Franchise is a multi-award winning Stock Broking company that offers instant account openings, attractive revenue sharing, client acquisition support, promotional / branding support, risk management system and much more.

The company is a leading company that is managed by a team of experienced professionals who possesses an in depth industrial, financial and technical knowledge along with specialized skills, problem solving and teamwork abilities.

In this article, we will take you through the penetrating information on Ashlar Securities Sub Broker, its business models, revenue sharing, security deposit & more.

Ashlar Securities offers

Ashlar Securities Franchise Ratings & Review by Top10StockBroker

Ashlar Securities Franchise Ratings
Criteria Ratings
Experience 5.2/10
Market Share 5.3/10
Products & Services 5.5/10
Revenue Sharing 5.4/10
Holistic Support 5.3/10
Overall Ratings 5.3/10
Star Ratings ★★★★★


About Ashlar Securities Franchise

Ashlar Securities Franchise

Ashlar Securities is a private sector stock broking company offering full service brokership.

Headquartered in Noida, U.P., the company has been established by Bharat Bansal in the year 2001.

The company consumes 3 – 5 weeks to successfully activate the SB code of the sub brokers. The company pays out the revenue to the sub brokers within 33 days.

Become an Authorized Person of  Ashlar Securities

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    Types of Ashlar Securities Partnership Association

    • Authorized Person / Business partner / Sub broker
    • Master franchise
    • Referral Program

    Ashlar Securities Sub Brokers or Ashlar Securities Authorized Person

    Ashlar Securities offers business partners or sub brokers or Authorized Person (AP) to the clients. A sub broker is one who is licensed to carry out the broking service for a broking company.

    The security deposit that has been levied by the Ashlar Securities for the sub brokers ranges between ₹ 50,000 and ₹ 150,000; while the revenue sharing of the sub brokers varies between 50% and 75%.

    Benefits of Ashlar Securities Authorized Person

    • All the sub brokers enjoy high percentage of the brokerage that has been generated by the clients.
    • The franchiser, who is a part of the Ashlar Securities, helps the sub brokers with all sorts of supports required such as the marketing support, advisory support, training support etc.
    • When the franchiser launches any new product, services and offers, the sub brokers gets the opportunity to avail them.
    • A minimum deposit of ₹ 50,000 is required against the security deposit.

    Ashlar Securities Master Franchise

    The Ashlar Securities offers Master Franchise to the clients. A Master Franchise is a franchising contract where the master franchisor or the owner of the brand name hands over the control of the franchising activities in a specified territory to a person or entity, known as the “Master Franchisee”.

    The security deposit that has been fixed by the Ashlar Securities for their master franchise varies between ₹ 100,000 and ₹ 300,000 where the master franchise clients enjoy revenue between 75% and 85%.

    Benefits of Ashlar Securities Franchise Master Franchise

    • The Franchisee can enjoy high percentage of the revenue generated by the clients.
    • The master franchise will have sub brokers under them while the master franchise will enjoy monopoly over an area, location or town.
    • Client will be working in large area without any direct competitor.
    • He/She will receive all the opportunities of building a large business.

    Ashlar Securities Referral Program

    Referral programs are the most effective channels to bring under the company programs all the quality candidates who serve as clients.

    Ashlar Securities offers a strong referral programs to the clients. Referral programs help the company to enable smarter client inclusion decisions.

    Benefits of Ashlar Securities Referral Program

    • Referral programs helps in saving a lots of money on advertising and a lot of time is also saved.
    • The referral programs allow the clients & employees to introduce new clients and as well as their network that proves beneficial for the company.
    • A referral client who is a high performer of the company will always tend to attract other high performers and increase the client base of the company.
    • A referral program come with an ability to reach people eager to be a part of the best stock broking company.
    • Referral Program engages clients & employees to earn more than usual.

    Ashlar Securities Partner Revenue Sharing or Ashlar Securities Sub Broker Commission

    The revenue sharing model that has been introduced under the Ashlar Securities consists of master franchise and sub broker.

    The master franchise will receive minimum revenue of 75% that could extend up to 85%. The sub broker on the other hand will receive revenue sharing of minimum 50% that could go up to 75%.

    A client participating in the referral program gets 15% sharing from all his/her referrals from Ashlar Securities. The company does not contain remisier revenue sharing.

    Refer to this Table for clear picture:

    Revenue Sharing Clients Share Ashlar Share
    Master Franchise 75% – 85% 25% – 15%
    Sub Broker 50% – 75% 50% – 25%
    Referral Program 15% 85%

    Find the list of Sub broker Franchise with decent revenue sharing models:

    Start your Broking Business with Ashlar Securities

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      Ashlar Securities Franchise Cost or Security Deposit

      The Ashlar Securities franchise security deposit is levied on both master franchise and sub broker. The security deposit for the master franchise has been set between ₹ 100,000 and ₹ 300,000.

      The security deposit for the sub broker has been fixed ranging between ₹ 50,000 and ₹ 100,000.

      The remisier program is not available. The company does not charge any security deposit for referral program.

      Check out the below table for better understanding –

      Security Deposit
      Master Franchise Rs.100,000 – Rs.300,000
      Sub Broker Rs.50,000 – Rs.100,000
      Referral Program Zero

      Find the list of Stock Market Franchise with low initial investment amount:

      Ashlar Securities Franchise Infrastructure Set-up Cost

      In order to start brokership with Ashlar Securities, the applicants need to offer strong research services and trading terminals to the clients.

      The sub broker has to possess smooth internet connection along with telephone lines.

      The sub broker applicants should also have a proper office area of minimum 200 sq.ft. and minimum employee strength of 3.

      Ashlar Securities Sub Broker Offers

      To encourage and promote the business of sub-brokers, Ashlar Securities regularly launches a variety of offers. Some of the regular offers are:

      • Zero deposit offers is currently available with the company.
      • The company does not provide low security deposit scheme.
      • Ashlar Securities does not offer flexible revenue sharing.
      • Flat revenue sharing is currently unavailable.
      • The company does not offer zero revenue sharing with prepaid.

      The offers can easily be availed by all Ashlar Securities Authorized Person once they register with Ashlar Securities.


      Ashlar Securities Authorized Person – Eligibility Criteria

      Before discussing the criteria that are exclusive to Ashlar Securities, it is important to take a note of the statutory & regulatory requirements.

      The following are the eligibility criteria for an individual eager to register as a broker with Ashlar Securities:

      • The applicant must be of minimum 21 years of age.
      • Applicant must possess some knowledge about brokerage and may have experience in the field.
      • The applicant should at least pass the 12th standard from any board or equivalent examination from an institution that is recognized by the Indian government. Possessing degree of graduation will be an added benefit.
      • Possessing basic computer knowledge is mandatory.
      • The applicant must not be convicted on any grounds and even in fraudulence or dishonesty.
      • Applicant must be a fit person, both physically and mentally and as well agree to abide by all the terms of the company.

      How to become a Ashlar Securities Sub broker or Authorized Person?

      1. In order to become a sub broker, the applicant needs to fill up the form with correct details that is provided in the website of the company. The applicant can even request a call back through a form.
      2. The executives of Ashlar Securities will connect with the applicant in order to confirm the details provided.
      3. Next, the company will connect the applicant with the business team of Ashlar Securities in the bid to take the discussions forward.
      4. A meeting will be fixed with the applicant and the business executives where the applicants gets an opportunity to clear up any doubts regarding security deposit, investment amount, revenue ratio etc. They can also put forward their expectations and interests.
      5. After the applicant has cleared all the doubts and ready to work with Ashlar Securities, the applicant is needed to provide the company with all the necessary documents that has been or will be informed.
      6. After the document has been provided and the agreement is executed, a sub broker ID will be provided to the applicant which in turn will help the applicant operate the account opened with Ashlar Securities.

      Know about other stock broking franchise:

      Why Partner with Ashlar Securities?

      Here are the various reason to partner with Ashlar Securities:

      • The revenue sharing model of Ashlar Securities is pretty attractive where the revenue for the master franchise goes up to 85% while for sub brokers it is 75%.
      • The security deposit levied by the company is competitive with other stock broking firms and is refundable after the tenure gets over with the company.
      • The infrastructure requirement is so set that it would benefit both the sub broker and the clients.
      • The offers are luring while the referral program for revenue model is also a plus.

      Ashlar Securities Conclusion

      Summarizing everything, Ashlar Securities offers high revenue under their franchise scheme. The franchise program of the company will suit both the sub brokers and the master franchise of all levels.

      The payout time is less offering more space to the applicants to join in and carry out the brokership efficiently.

      Find more sub broker franchise review: click on the links below

       Start your Broking Business with Ashlar Securities

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        *T&C Applied. To know more, please fill up the form and get the call from Ashlar Securities, immediately.


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