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JM Financial SmartNet is an online trading platform that is dedicated for high end to mid-sized customers of JM Financial services.

It is a state of the art online trading application that employs the latest advancements in financial technology to make its services more effective and handy for clients with high trading requirements for their business or personal wealth.

In this article, we are going to discuss about the features, advantages, and setup procedure for JM Financial Web Trading Platform.

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JM Financial SmartNet Web Review & Ratings by Top10StockBroker

JM Financial SmartNet Web Ratings
Criteria Ratings
Processes 6.7/10
Usability 6.6/10
Features 6.8/10
Speed 6.7/10
Performance 6.8/10
Overall Ratings 6.7/10
Star Ratings ★★★★★

About JM Financial SmartNet

JM Financial services are an old name in the broking industry. The company was established back in the year 1973 when it was called JM Share and Stock Broking or JMSSB.

Today, the company has diversified into many field in the finance industry and is now also serving clients with a high net worth as well as large businesses.

They are associated with multiple markets such as BSE, NSE, MCX – SX, CSDL and NSDL. They offer trades in the capital market, futures & options, derivatives and more.

JM financial SmartNet Web is a high end web trading offering by JM Financial services. It is made for high value clients of JM financial services who have high trading volume needs as well as advance research requirements.

The SmartNet Web Trading platform is a web application which means that it can be used on any modern web browser without downloading the software on your computer.

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    JM Financial SmartNet Web – Top Features

    JM Financial Web Trading Platform is an intelligent advisory platform for the clients of JM Financial services which means that it must provide features at par with top investment software in the industry.

    Some of the features of SmartNet Web Trading Platform are listed below: –

    Access advanced technical charting tools:

    As the SmartNet trading platform is suited towards high value clients, it has to provide advanced research features. One of these features are the advanced technical charting tools included with the SmartNet platform.

    These advanced charting tools help the clients to analyze the market intelligently and efficiently and to find profitable trading and investment opportunities.

    View Most Active Securities

    Securities are tradable financial assets which can be either stationary or volatile. The SmartNet Web Trading Platform has a feature wherein the clients can see which are the most active securities in the market.

    The most active securities are those which have the highest trading volume in recent times. This feature helps the clients in getting to know about new trends in the market and upcoming securities easily.

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    How to Set Up JM Financial SmartNet Platform?

    The JM Financial SmartNet Platform is a web application which means that it can be used on any computer with internet access without any installation.

    To access the SmartNet application, the user must open the web application link on a modern web browser of their choice.

    The steps required to open and use the JM Financial SmartNet Web are as follows:-

    1. Open a web browser of your choice. (The recommended web browser for the SmartNet web platform is Internet Explorer).
    2. Once the browser is opened, click on the address bar and type the URL of JM Financial SmartNet Web Application (https://trading.jmfinancialservices.in/smart/).
    3. In this page, you will be informed about the features of the SmartNet web trading platform along with the login form.
    4. Fill the login form with your Client ID and password. Select the application mode to streaming for uninterrupted updates or select refresh if you don’t have JRE or Flash on your device.
    5. Once the form is filled, click on the check box labeled “I Agree to Disclaimers” (You can read the disclaimer by clicking on the label).
    6. Click on the Log in button to sign in to JM Financial SmartNet web trading platform.

    Once you have signed in successfully, you will be redirected to the dashboard of the trading platform and you can use all the features of SmartNet from there.

    If you don’t have a client ID and password for JM Financial SmartNet, you can get one by following the steps in the next section.

    How to Own JM Financial SmartNet Web?

    The SmartNet Web Trading Platform is exclusive to the clients of JM Financial Services. This is why it is required to be a registered member of JM Financial services in order to use the SmartNet web trading platform.

    You are required to have an 8 digit trading code which is your USER ID, a Login Password that you can set by yourself, as well as a Personal Identification Number which is used to authorized any trades and transactions from your SmartNet Online Trading account.

    • If you have already registered with JM financial services, you can get your user ID, password, and Personal Identification Number by contacting your Relationship Manager for JM Financial Services. They will help you in setting up your SmartNet account and will provide you the required credentials for your JM Financial SmartNet Web Trading Platform as well.
    • If you are a new client, you can apply for the SmartNet web trading platform access in your account opening form itself. Your SmartNet trading account will be activated as soon as your JM Financial account is opened. Your credentials will be sent via email or via your Relationship Manager.

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    Advantages of JM Financial SmartNet Web Trading Platform

    There are many online trading platforms in the finance industry nowadays. Even JM Financial services offers two different online trading platforms – BlinkTrade and SmartNet.

    Each platform has its own advantages which are to be taken into account while opting for an online trading platform.

    The advantages of JM Financial SmartNet Web are as follows: –

    Set Alerts: The set alerts feature of the SmartNet platform by JM Financial Services is aimed towards traders who are not always actively managing their assets.

    Using the set alerts feature, the clients can specify the system to send alerts if a scrip value goes above or below a predefined value.

    This makes it easier for passive traders and investors to prevent losses and gain maximum profit from their investments.

    Access Multiple Exchanges: Since JM Financial Services are a seasoned broker. They are registered with multiple financial exchanges like BSE, NSE, MCX – SX, CSDL and NSDL.

    This allows the users of the SmartNet web trading platform to trade and invest in multiple markets.

    These are some of the advantages of JM Financial SmartNet web trading platform.

    JM Financial SmartNet – Conclusion

    JM Financial Services are an old name in the finance industry. They were established in 1986 and has since then grown a lot. The SmartNet web trading platform by JM Financial Services is a reflection of their experience in the industry.

    It is an advanced trading platform aimed towards high value clients and businesses that require high trade volumes and advanced research services. It is one of the best trading platforms in the industry due to its cutting-edge features.

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