Home  »  Sub Brokers  »  Arham Share Consultants Franchise

Arham Share Consultants Franchise is one of the best Equity Broking Franchise in India aiming to possess the largest Distribution Network offering services like Equity and Derivatives, Currency Trading, Commodity Trading, Depository Services, IPO Trading and Insurance Services.

The founders of the company are ruling the share market industry for the last 15 years and possess a widespread knowledge of the share market.

In this article, we have come up with the detailed review of Arham Share Consultants Sub Broker Program, its security deposit, revenue sharing model, offers and much more.Franchise

Arham Share Consultants Franchise Ratings & Review by Top10StockBroker

Arham Share Franchise Ratings
Criteria Ratings
Experience 5.7/10
Market Share 5.5/10
Products & Services 5.9/10
Revenue Sharing 6.0/10
Holistic Support 6.0/10
Overall Ratings 5.8/10
Star Ratings ★★★★★


About Arham Share Consultants Franchise

Arham Share Consultants Franchise

Arham Share Consultants is a private Equity Broking House that offers full service broking to its clients.

It was established in the year 2010 by Priyank Mehta and headquartered in Surat, Gujarat.

It Sub broker business consumes 31 days for activation of the SB code. Their Authorised Person payout time of Arham Share Consultants is 33 days.

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    Types of Arham Share Consultants Partnership Association

    There are 2 types of Arham Share Consultants Franchise association:\

    • Authorized Person / Business partner / Sub broker
    • Remisier

    Arham Share Consultants Sub Broker or Arham Share Consultants Authorized Person

    Arham Share Consultants offers sub brokers or business partners or Authorised Person (AP) to all its clients.

    A sub broker is a person who is registered with SEBI and also affiliated to a member of a recognized stock exchange.

    Arham Share Consultants Franchise division levy a security deposit for the sub broker ranging between ₹ 50,000 – ₹ 300,000 while for the same the revenue sharing ranges between 50% and 80%.

    Benefits of Arham Share Consultants Authorized Person

    • Sub broker or Authorized Person or Business partner requires a low investment suitable to every budgeted applicant.
    • The sub brokers receive a golden opportunity to retain high percentage of the brokerage generated by the clients while the franchiser receives low percentage of brokerage.
    • Marketing, Training and as well as advisory support, stock tips and recommendations are provided to the sub brokers from the franchiser end.
    • Sub broker can opt to avail any new launches such as products, services and offers by the franchiser.

    Arham Share Consultants Remisier

    Arham Share Consultants Company offers all of its clients with Remisier business model. Remisier, also known as a Commissioned Dealer’s Representative is an agent of a stock broking firm who works on a commission basis.

    The security deposit that has been levied by Arham Share Consultants is just ₹ 5,000 while the revenue sharing is 20%.

    Benefits of Arham Share Consultants Remisier

    • The initial investment of Arham Share Consultants remisier is as low as ₹ 5,000.
    • The remisier will be able to enjoy 20% of the revenue sharing.
    • The process is straight forward and less time consuming.

    Arham Share Consultants Partner Revenue Sharing or Arham Arham Share Consultants Sub Broker Commission

    The Arham Share Consultants Company revenue sharing model comprises of only sub broker and remisier. The revenue sharing of the sub broker in the Equity Broking House varies between 50% and 80%.

    The revenue sharing enjoyed by the remisier is 20%. Master Franchise revenue sharing and Referral Program are currently unavailable.

    Refer to this Table for clear picture:

    Revenue Sharing Clients Share Arham’s Share
    Sub Broker 50% – 80% 50% – 20%
    Remisier 20% 80%

    Find the list of Sub broker Franchise with decent revenue sharing models:

    Start your Broking Business with Arham Share Consultants

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      Arham Share Consultants Franchise Cost or Security Deposit

      Sub broker and Remisier comes under the Arham Share Consultants. The required security deposits of sub broker vary between ₹ 50,000 and ₹ 300,000. The Master Franchise is not available as of now by the company.

      The security deposit is absolutely refundable at the successful completion of the tenure. Referral Program is currently unavailable under the security deposit section of Arham Share Consultants. The Remisier program levies deposit of Rs.5,000 only.

      Check this table below for better understanding of Arham Share Consultants Franchise Cost:

      Security Deposit
      Sub Broker Rs.50,000 – Rs.300,000
      Remisier Rs.5,000

      Find the list of Stock Market Franchise with low initial investment amount:

      Arham Share Consultants Franchise Infrastructure Set-up Cost

      Arham Share Consultants have set up an infrastructure requirement where the sub brokers needs to possess trading terminals in order to start sub brokership with the company. Research services are not necessary for the sub brokers.

      Internet connectivity and having telephone lines are not at all required to be a sub broker at Arham Share Consultants. The sub broker must possess an office area of minimum 100 sq. ft possessing minimum of one employee.

      Arham Share Consultants Sub Broker Offers

      To encourage and promote the business of sub-brokers, Arham Share Consultants regularly launches a variety of offers. Some of the regular offers are:

      • Arham Share Consultants Company offers flexible revenue sharing to its clients.
      • The company offers low security deposit scheme.
      • The firm does not offer ‘Zero Deposit’ facility.
      • Flat revenue sharing is currently not available.
      • The company has not yet introduced ‘Zero Revenue Sharing with Prepaid’ policy for its clients.

      The offers can easily be availed by all Arham Share Consultants Authorized Person once they register with Arham Share Consultants.

      Arham Share Consultants Franchise or Arham Share Consultants Authorized Person – Eligibility Criteria

      Before discussing the criteria that are exclusive to Arham Share Consultants, it is important to take a note of the statutory & regulatory requirements.

      Below mentioned are the eligibility criteria for an individual opting for or are interested to opt for registration as a sub broker with Arham Share Consultants Company:

      • The applicant should be above 21 years of age at the time of applying.
      • Applicant should possess a clean background possessing no event of conviction.
      • An applicant must pass 12th standard or equivalent examination from an institution that has been recognized by the government. A degree of graduation would be an added benefit for the individual.
      • Basic computer knowledge is a must for all the applicants.
      • The applicant must be physically and mentally fit guaranteeing to abide by all the rules of the firm.

      How to become an Arham Share Consultants Sub broker or Authorized Person?

      The process of becoming an Arham Share Consultants sub broker is provided below –

      1. The applicants must click on the ‘Open An Account’ button located in the menu section of the website wherein the applicant will be redirected to Online KYC Registration form which needs to be duly filled in.
      2. The executives of the firm will check the application and revert back to the applicant to recheck and confirm the details provided by the applicant.
      3. The executives would further connect the applicant with the business team of Arham Share Consultants so that they could take the discussions forward.
      4. A meeting will be fixed between the applicant and the business executive of the company where both of them would put forward their expectations and discuss certain important terms like the security deposit, revenue sharing or offers etc.
      5. After the meeting, the applicant is supposed to submit all the required documents mentioned to them.
      6. Soon enough the agreement will be executed, the applicant will be furnished with the sub broker ID with the help of which all the operations in the account can be conducted.

      Know about other stock broking franchise:

      Why Partner with Arham Share Consultants?

      Here are the various reason to partner with Arham Share Consultants:

      • The revenue sharing model of the company is relatively high rising to 80% while the minimum revenue that can be enjoyed is 50% by the sub broker and in case of remisier it is 20%.
      • The security deposit that is collected from the sub broker to open the account is refundable at the end of the tenure.
      • The company has kept the infrastructure investment requirement in such a manner that the sub brokers will be able to abide by easily.
      • The company franchise offers are pretty decent while it also offers low investment scheme.

      Arham Share Consultants Sub Broker Conclusion

      The Franchise Program of the Arham Share Consultants is very attractive as it is a complete package.

      The program requires minimum investment while enjoying greater revenue. All sorts of support benefits regarding the franchise program can be availed as well.

      Find more sub broker franchise review: click on the links below

      Start your Broking Business with Arham Share Consultants

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        *T&C Applied. To know more, please fill up the form and get the call from Arham Share Consultants, immediately.


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