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The JM Financial Online Trading Platform is a robust online trading platform for the clients of JM Financial services. It offers features and tools that make it perfect for clients with all kinds of trading profiles.

The JM Financial Web Trading Platform is a web application which does not require any downloads and can be accessed through any modern web browser.

In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits of the BlinkTrade Web Platform and will also discuss how to open an online trading account with JM Financial Services which is required in order to use the Web Trading Platform.

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JM Financial Web Trading Platform Review & Ratings by Top10StockBroker

JM Financial Web Platform Ratings
Criteria Ratings
Processes 6.6/10
Usability 6.4/10
Features 6.5/10
Speed 6.1/10
Performance 6.3/10
Overall Ratings 6.4/10
Star Ratings ★★★★★

About JM Financial Online Trading Platform

JM Financial is a seasoned full service broker which has been in operations since an upwards of 33 years. It was established in the year 1986 and back then they were called JM Share and Stock Brokers or JMSSB in short.

As they are a well experience player in the market with three decades of experience, they have started serving people with a high net worth and also other high income businesses in the market. They provide services in the investment banking sector and also equity sales, market research, as well as broking.

The JM Financial BlinkTrade Web is a web application that can be used by clients of JM Financial Services for their investment and trading needs.

The platform doesn’t require any downloading as it is a web application and it can be easily accessed through any modern web browser on a PC or a Laptop.

Using the JM Financial Web application, clients of JM Financial Services can place orders, perform market research, transfer funds, a much more.

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    JM Financial Web Trading Platform – Top Features

    The web application is filled with useful features for both traders as well as investors. These features make the app one of the best web trading platforms that we’ve seen yet.

    Some of these features are given below: –

    Comprehensive Dashboard

    The main screen of a trading platform is the primary screen from where most of the functions should be accessible from.

    JM Financial online trading platform provides a comprehensive dashboard feature where you can find links and tools that covers almost all the features of BlinkTrade Web.

    Lightning Fast Order Placement

    A distinguishing feature of JM Financial web platform is its ability to place orders as soon as you click on place order.

    This lightning fast order placement feature can potentially save the traders and investors a lot of money which would otherwise be wasted due to constant price fluctuations in the market. The feature is particularly useful while buying or selling volatile stocks.

    Value added Integrated Scrip Information

    Using the JM Financial Online Trading Platform can gauge the pulse of different stocks using real time information gathering which includes valuable info like the overview of scrips, key ratios, depth, any new developments/news related to the scrip, profit and loss, delivery information, and technical charts which can be useful to evaluate new stocks that you weren’t following previously.

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    How to Set-up JM Financial Online Trading Platform?

    As mentioned earlier in the article, the JM Financial Web Platform by JM Financial services is a web application so it doesn’t require any installation of any kind on the client side.

    All the clients have to do is to open the BlinkTrade Web URL on any modern supported web browser and they are ready to use the software to its full potential.

    Here are the steps to open and use the JM Financial Web Trading platform: –

    1. Open the web browser of your choice (Recommended browsers are latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer).
    2. Once the web browser has finished loading, you can click on the URL bar and type in.
    3. On the top right area of the landing page of JM Financial services, click on the blue button that says Trade Now.
    4. You will now be redirected to the login page of the JM Financial Online trading platform. You are required to enter your registered username and password here.
    5. After entering the correct login credentials, you can log in to the BlinkTrade web trading platform by JM Financial Services.

    If you do not have a registered username and password for JM Financial services, you can create them in the next section.

    How to Own JM Financial Web Trading Platform?

    One of the prerequisites of using the JM Financial web trading platform is that you have to be a registered client of JM Financial services. To become registered with JM Financial services and to get your user id and password, follow these steps: –

    1. Go to the official website of JM Financial Services
    2. On the top right of the screen, click on the red link that says “Open an account”.
    3. Now, you have to enter your details and how do you want to join them. Fill all the required details and click submit.
    4. Once the form is submitted, a call from their sales representative will be scheduled, you can talk with them and know more about the program and sign up to be a client of JM financial services

    After you have been registered, you will receive an email containing your user id and password for the trading platform by JM Financial services. You can use these details to log in to it.

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    Advantages of BlinkTrade Web Trading Platform

    The BlinkTrade web trading platform by JM Financial services has a lot of advantages over the rest of the online trading platforms in the market.

    Some of these advantages of the JM Financial Online Trading Platform are listed below: –

    • Exhaustive Live Market Streaming: With live market streaming feature in the BlinkTrade web, you can manage your trades proactively. You can quickly react to trends that are identified by covering various sections of the market.
    • Heat Map: You can also view heat map of different market trends. With this you can analyze them properly within the BlinkTrade Web trading platform. Data is also available across various sectors, indices, as well as through an entire predefined scrip list.
    • Reporting: The Web Trading Platform provides insightful reports to the clients so that they can manage their assets properly by gauging the data. The reports contain a morning brief with key updates in the capital markets, trending technologies, trend tracking and more.

    JM Financial Online Trading Platform – Conclusion

    JM Financial is a reputed and experienced full service broker which has now branched into various financial sectors.

    The JM Financial Online Trading Platform is a professional grade market tool which can be used by both traders and investors alike to fulfill their financial needs.

    Using the JM Financial Web Trading Platform, one can perform market research, place buy/sell orders, track scrips, transfer funds, view live market streaming data, see value added integrated scrip information and more.

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