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HDFC Securities thematic investment tool is also known as HDFC Small Case. With the help of this platform, you can able to keep the track of your stocks in an easy way.

Here in this article, you will get details about HDFC Small Case Trading Platform and how it will help the users to get a better experience of trading.

Along with this, you will also get to know about the important features of this trading app. If you think that this app can be beneficial for you, then you need to know about the process of owning this app. Here, you will also get to know about the process.

Therefore, you can understand how important it is to read this article if you are willing to know about this trading platform of HDFC securities.

HDFC Securities Offers

About HDFC Securities Small Case

Only seven brokers have collaboration with Smallcase and broking houses are offering this platform for their customer and HDFC securities is one of them.

With the help of this platform, the investor can buy or sell tradable securities which are based on the predefined combinations.

In HDFC securities Thematic Investment Platform, you will also get the chance to customise by adding or removing your favourite stocks.

There are some brokers who will allow you to create your personalised smallcase and the other brokers will offer you curated smallcase.

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    Top Features of HDFC Securities Small Case

    Here are some of the best features of HDFC Securities Thematic Investment Tool –

    Protects from Volatility

    The HDFC securities smallcase trading platform is basket which will help you to invest based on your idea. Most of the people are considering investing in smallcase because it will lower your risk.

    If you are investing in multiple stocks, then it will protect you against volatility in a specific stock and this is why smallcase are less risky.

    Self Control on your Portfolio

    When you are investing in smallcase platform, then you don’t need the broking house to hold your stocks. You will do everything on your own.

    You can keep track of how the stocks are performing and based on this you can take a certain decision about investment.

    Real Time Tracking

    You are able to track and manage seamlessly with a real-time index value and smallcase platform will also help you to save your time because you can place orders up to 50 stocks in 1 click.

    No Extra Payment Required

    Here, in this platform, you don’t need to pay anything extra as you are the owner of your own trading. Along with this, in this platform, you will get a quicker redemption. HDFC securities small case platform can be tracked in real-time during the market hours.

    Here in this platform, you can see what’s inside the portfolio and you can change your decisions according to this.

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    How to set up HDFC Small Case?

    If you are willing to use HDFC securities Thematic Investment Tool, then you need to follow the simple steps which are mentioned below

    1. You need to go to the smallcase website and log in by using your credentials. You will get the login id and password from hdfc securities.
    2. To get the login id and password from your broking house, you need to fulfil the necessary forms where you need to provide the details of yours such as your name, ID and so on.
    3. After getting the login Id and access the smallcase platform, you need to choose the array of themes such as all-weather, smart beta, bargain buys among others.
    4. Once you will complete this, then you will be able to see the stocks that form the portfolio. You can get an idea about their proportion and rationale behind their inclusion.

    How To Own HDFC Securities Small Case?

    1. If you are willing to own HDFC securities smallcase tools, then you need to open Demat or trade account.
    2. To open this account, you need to fill up the account opening form by HDFC securities
    3. You need to provide the details such as your name, email id, phone number properly
    4. Once you will complete this, then you need to upload the required documents such as the voter ID, pan card and aadhaar card.
    5. After doing this, you will get a verification call from the broking house and the purpose of this verification is to assure you about the security of your account.
    6. Once you are done with this, then you will get the login id and password within a short period of time.
    7. Now, with the help of this Login id and password, you can access your smallcase platform by opening their website.

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    Advantages of HDFC Small Case

    • One of the main advantages is that you just need to pay brokerage for smallcase and there are no extra charges for investment fee.
    • When you are going to invest in smallcase, then you need to know that smallcase investment puts shares in your Demat account. There is no doubt that it can be beneficial as the investors get tax free dividend directly in their bank account.
    • HDFC securities smallcase will enable you to invest in ideas rather than in stocks based on market capitalisation.
    • Another benefit which you can get from HDFC securities small case platform is that an investor can track investments in the real-time during the market hours. Along with this, request for redemption is also placed in real-time as adequate liquidity is one of the stock selection parameters used in the smallcase. This means that investors can get facilities for quicker redemptions.

    HDFC Securities Small Case – Conclusion

    After the discussion, it can be concluded that if you are looking for a quick and hassle-free platform, then you can consider this one.

    In this platform, you can keep the track of your stocks and you can take necessary decisions based on the portfolio. You can check whatever is happening inside the portfolio and you can also invest after doing proper research to get the best outcome.

    Along with this, in this platform, you will get full ownership. So, while you are thinking about good profitability, then you can subscribe to this app to experience and enjoy the features of trading.

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