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Zerodha Stockreport+ by thompson reuters is one of the most valuable report available to Zerodha’s clients.

This report generally charges more than $1000 annually, but with zerodha it is available at $2 i.e approximately Rs.150 per month.


About Zerodha StockReport+

There are many people who want to make their venture in the stock market a successful one. The key to success in the Stock market is the correct anticipation of the future price movements.

Zerodha Stock ReportsFundamental analysis and Technical analysis are ways to anticipate future price movements correctly. While there are many tools and software released by Zerodha for the Technical analysis, there was no tool for effective fundamental analysis.

Zerodha Stock report by TR is an initiative by Zerodha in this direction. Zerodha Stock Report is a fundamental analysis tool showing the fundamental analysis reports of a large number of stocks. Here is an Insight on Zerodha Stock Report by TR.

More About Zerodha Stock Report

Zerodha Stock Report by TR is the first tool from Zerodha for performing an adequate fundamental analysis. Zerodha Stock Report is a web platform which provides the fundamental analysis reports for more than 3000 stocks and Scrips.

A very detailed Fundamental analysis report is rendered by this platform. The reports on this platform are updated on a daily basis. Very accurate and useful information is shared by this platform, which can help the traders and investors in ascertain the financial viability of investing in this particular scrip.

These reports shared by Zerodha platform are a property of TR or Thomson Reuters. Zerodha has made a contract with Thomson Reuters to share these reports with the Zerodha Clients.

A nominal fee is charged for the use of this service from the clients. The clients can take benefit if this very reliable and extensive data to take better decisions and trade profitably.

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    Features of Zerodha Stockreport+

    Zerodha StockReport+

    Zerodha Stock Report is a collection of Fundamental analysis reports of a large number of Stocks. Some of the features of the reports and this platform are as follows:

    • The reports of this platform are updated at 11.30 PM every Sunday and other weekdays.
    • In the reports, the stock prices of the last 12 months are provided. Prices with high, low as well as mean forecast are also rendered.
    • The average score for various stocks is also provided. One can compare these scores and decide the best stock to invest in.
    • Relative valuation of the stocks is also provided in these reports.
    • The Earning per share data for various stocks is also listed in these reports. The data of the last 4 quarters and estimates for the next 2 quarters is also provided.
    • The forecasting fundamentals of various stocks are also provided as the part of these reports.
    • Along with the above-mentioned data, the analysts’ recommendations section is there, in which different recommendations to buy and sell the stocks is provided.

    How to access Zerodha Stock report?

    The Zerodha Stock Report is a web-based platform, showing various reports. This web platform can be opened in any browser. The URL to access this platform is: https://stockreports.zerodha.com/

    Normal internet connectivity is required to open this platform in your browser. You can login with your Zerodha Kite Login ID & Password.

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    Zerodha StockReport+ Charges

    There is a nominal fee charged to the Zerodha users for using Zerodha Stock Platform. As the reports are the property of Thomson Reuters, a contract is done between Zerodha and TR.

    Zerodha Stockreport+ Charges Structure

    Month Plan Half-Yearly Plan Yearly Plan
    Pricing Rs.150 Rs.810 Rs.1440
    Saving 0% 10% 20%
    Monthly Charges Rs.150 Rs.135 Rs.120

    This fee is a very nominal fee as compared to the benefits and advantages the reports render to the clients. Immense benefits can be reaped by availing the most reliable information on the stocks.

    Advantages of Zerodha StockReport

    Some of the key advantages of Zerodha Stock Report are as follows:

    • This is a platform that can help in performing an adequate fundamental analysis of the stocks.
    • The information on this platform is very reliable as well as we get a lot of information at a single place.
    • A large number of stocks are covered in this platform.
    • This platform gets updated very frequently. Hence, very accurate and latest information can be availed from this platform.
    • A very nominal fee is charged for using this platform.
    • Along with the fundamental report, there is a recommendation section where valuable insight of reputed analysts can be obtained.

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    Disadvantages of Zerodha Stockreport+

    Some of the key disadvantages of Zerodha Stock Report are as follows:

    • Firstly this platform service is not available free of cost. Client needs to pay Rs.150 per month to access the platform.
    • This platform is available as a web portal. Zerodha Stockreport+ can be accessed online and internet connection is compulsory.
    • One should understand the basic terminology of Fundamental analysis to access this platform.

    Conclusion of Zerodha StockReport+

    Fundamental analysis is very important for both the traders and investors. For a long-term investment, it is always better to perform fundamental analysis before going for a long-term investment.

    Zerodha Stock report is a web portal from Zerodha, which is showing fundamental analysis reports of a large number of stocks.

    The users of Zerodha can benefit from this portal immensely as very valuable information is shared on this platform. When the investments are made backed with proper fundamental analysis, very profitable results can be obtained.

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