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Zerodha Learn App is a new age mobile application for Stock Market Investment Education. A user just need to download the App & start his education. It has multiple modules & lessons to learn from.


About Zerodha LearnApp

Whether you are a novice trader or investor or a student or working professionals and want to know the complete knowledge of the finance industry than Zerodha Learn App is for you.

Zerodha Learn APPWhile stepping towards stock market there are a lot of questions come in your mind like what is mutual fund? How investors invest their money? What is GST? What are the aspects that affect the stock market? How to minimize the risk of shares? How to get all knowledge of trading?

This Learnapp that designed by the Zerodha is the only way or a complete guide of the stock market you are seeking for. No matters, whether you are living in India or not, if you really want to become an expert in the stock market than enroll this app because it contains a wealth of information and very reasonable as compared to other educations DVDs sold across the world.

Now, you are thinking that there are lots of apps which are providing the same content at an affordable rate, what’s different in learning app. Let us tell you, one of the best things that make this app out of the crowd is that you will get the content from the best mentors of a stock market, they recommend useful resources and always motivate you when the markets get tough.

Hence, this app is designed and developed to generate more awareness and educate people regarding the stock market so that everyone can start it in the future.

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    Features of Zeroadha Learn App

    • Live classes: This feature interact users with their mentors in a real-time via live chat two-way communication on voice note.
    • Quiz: This feature allows you to analyze your learning and how much you gain knowledge from the mentors.
    • Dubbing in Hindi/English: You can access round the clock all videos of your subscribed mentors both in English and Hindi.

    Some upcoming features

    • New series on Entrepreneurship.
    • The video will be released with IIM processor.

    Courses covered in Zerodha Learn App

    The Learn consists of lessons from some of the most known writers & investors of the stock market industry. The lessons have been contributed by people who are highly experienced & have worked in the industry for decades. Learning from their experiences is a boon. These are the various lessons:

    Learn how capital market work by Ashish Chauhan

    who is the CEO of BSE India. In this course, you will get knowledge about Startup to IPO primary and secondary market equity markets future option.

    Learn to invest the Mutual Fund by A. Balasubramanian

    A Balasubramanian is the CEO of  Aditya Birla AMC. Here he will tell you what are the basis of a mutual fund, how to invest in mutual fund and what are the risk factors associated with it.

    Learn how to build a global product by Pallav Nanhani

    Pallav Nanhani is the CEO of Fusion chart. This course gives you a quick guide about how to sell the product globally with the important aspects like finding the pain point, brand building and, pricing.

    Learn how income tax work by Preeti Khurana

    Preeti Khurana is the CA in clear tax. This is a wonderful course for the individuals who willing to learn about what are the different types of taxes and how they work.

    Learn how trading work by Tom Bosso

    Tom Bosso is the CEO in Transat capital. If you have ever wanted to scrutinized how trend trading work, then this course is for you. Here you will learn everything related to the trend trading like what are the trends? and their work process, strategies, risk management, and rules.

    Learn how scalp trading work by G. Bhardwaj

    Scalping means if your shares have a 5-second position in the future market can make a profit. So, this gives you comprehensive details about scalping and how does it work.

    Learn how fixed income works by Vishal Kapoor

    Vishal Kapoor is the CEO, IDFC Asset Management. If you want to do investing and trading with low risk and fixed returns then this course is for you. Here you will find content related to investing, Debts market, the economy Interest rates and bound.

    Learn options trading writing strategy by David Aurel

    Here you will get knowledge options writing strategy work, the objective, building blocks, and strategies.

    Learn high-frequency trading

    Have you ever thought about, how high-frequency trading works? Or just how what algorithms are used to place multiple market orders or how strategy they use?; Learn this course which is made by Sidhharth Pachori, the HFT engineer.

    Learn value investing by Sanskar Naren

    Sanskar Naren is the CEO of ICICI Prudential Mutual fund. This course is for the individuals who want to know how to trade and invest when oil data is released? If USD INR depreciates than what companies get benefits, how oil prices affect companies, RBI index affects companies and how IIP indexes affect companies.

    Learn how venture capital work by Gautam Mogao

    Gautam Mogao is the former partner of Sequoia Capital. This course gives you the complete knowledge about venture capital and investment framework.

    List of other Stock Brokers in India

    Setting up of Zerodha Learn App

    Zerodha LearnApp is the video learning platform. Here you will learn all the courses through live classes and videos. In order to enroll this app, follow the guidelines that are mentioned below.

    First and foremost, download Zerodha Learn App from the play store, or you can head over to the web page.

    Next, click on the sign-up button and enter all the required information.

    After entering details, create a password.

    Once the password created, select the courses and enroll it and let get started.

    Zerodha Lean App Charges

    We know, you might be wondering that if all the courses are provided by veteran finance professionals it will definitely at a high price. No, you are wrong. As I stated above, learn app courses are for everyone it is available at affordable prices.

    You will get all unlimited access, all courses live classes for 3 months at only 1500 + GST and for 12 months it is available at INR 4500. Which means 375 per month; as per the rates, these courses are very rich in content.

    Why use Zerodha Learn App?

    • Nowadays people easily learn from the apps because it is more engaging and the people have proper control of the sessions, when you to pause and when to play it’s all up to them.
    • Flexibility is one of the topmost advantages of this app, you can play the sessions anytime from anywhere.
    • This app is platform independent, you can run on an Android and IOS.
    • This app gives you all new updates regarding features and courses through notifications. A
    • After learning courses from your mobile, you can switch over the computer, laptop and all your progress will be saved.
    • It saves your time and money. Because you can’t get unlimited access to courses that designed by the professional in this pricing. Along with that, you are free to learn what, when and where you want.

    Cons of Zerodha Learn App

    • Easily distract from the courses when you receive some texts and jokes from friends.
    • Vision problem can arise.
    • You cannot access the login page without the internet.
    • Need more advanced features and multimedia processor.

    List of Stock Broking Franchise in India


    Zerodha Learn App is quite prominent in the field of stock market learning apps because the resources they are providing is very authentic and knowledgeable for all the trading professionals and students.

    Here, individual can get every content related to the finance industries at very affordable rates. So, whether you are a beginner or professional traders sometimes you need guidance that clear your concept regarding stock marketing.

    Use this wonderful app for your benefit and keep your career high in the stock marketing field.

    Open Demat Account with Zerodha – Sign-up Now

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