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Petronet LNG Share Price - Find performance of Petronet LNG Today Share Price

Last Updated Date - Feb 17, 2023

Petronet LNG Share Price will help you analyze todays & historical price of the Brand. It will include Petronet LNG Today Share Price, Charts description, Historical Performance, Financial Statements & more.

Petronet LNG Stock Price Details - Find Petronet LNG Live Share Price

Find Petronet LNG Live Share Price in NSE & BSE here. It includes Petronet LNG Stock Price Details like live share price, day's high & low, 6 month & 1 year return & more.

BSE : NSE : Sector :
52 week Low
52 week High
Day low
Day high
Prev Close
6M return%
1Y return%
MCap(Rs. in Million)
Total Volume
Face Value :
Listed Since
PE Ratio

Is the price-earnings ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its earnings per share.


The earnings per share ratio is a portion of company's net profit allocated for each outstanding share. It is calculated by deducting preferred stock divided from the net income of the company divided by the number of outstanding shares.


MCAP SALES is used to compared the company's current market price with its mcap sales value.


These are the acutal number of shares that are traded on delivery based, meaning transfered from one person to another during the day's trade.


Dividend Yield measures the quantum of cash dividends paid to shareholders in a financial year relative to the market value of the per share.


Petronet LNG Share Price / Stock Price

Petronet LNG is a leading and growing company belonging to the Indian energy sectors. For your convenience, we have drafted this article to portray the Petronet LNG Share Price and how likely of an option of investment it is. Keep track of the historical Petronet LNG Stock Price and company data we present to you in the form of price charts.

Why Invest in Petronet LNG Shares?

Investments made on account of thorough research drives easy and definite returns. Hence, we suggest you to check all the possible aspects which affect a company and also its shares price. The Petronet LNG Shares information, other than the brand recognition it managed to secure is provided below.

  • The capacity expansion taken ahead by the company in the Dahej terminal has led to major returns and volume growth of the company.
  • Market leaders have the utmost potential as they rule the industry, and this company has been receiving highest LNG and gasification business in India.
  • Latest addition of Kochi terminal has led to major contribution to the company’s growth, profit and expansion scenarios. While, the company also has plans for setting up third terminal in Andhra Pradesh.
  • The company has plants in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, aside its general plants in the country, which is a great indicator of future stability in many terms.
  • The capacity of the terminals has been on a rise always and hence, this portrays how the company is presently leading the Indian energy sector, though a lot of company have proportionately entered the Industry. Petronet LNG has the early mover advantage in this industry,

Check out Share Price of other Companies

How to Invest in Petronet LNG Stocks?

If you are worried about online trading, we wish to give you the heads-up that it is quite easy. They steps to invest in Petronet LNG Stocks are just like any other trading process. However, if you are not aware of the process, we will provide you with the entire, yet necessary step on step guide, as we aim to look out for our readers.

Note down the step by step guide as provided below.

  • Demat account is the need of the hour as it lets you own and also store any share or financial instrument. Also, it is deemed as mandatory by the SEBI for stock market investment procedure. Contact a stock broker regarding the same, as they provide deamt and trading account opening services.
  • So, a trading account is as well essential, and the reason for the same is that it offers trading feasibility. You have to trade through your trading account. Your stocks broker will provide you this assistance as well so, keep track of the same.
  • Well, now that you have your accounts, you will receive log n credentials through your registered emails address.
  • Use the same to log into any of the trading platforms provided by the broker and explore though all the options. Make yourself accustomed with the functionality of the options as they will help you to get through the invest procedure with ease.
  • The next step is to make your customized watchlist, which will comprise of all the stock scrips you like. Make sure you add the stock scrip of Petronet LNG as well and monitor it on real time.
  • Now, when you see the price of the shares is feasible, you can instantly place a purchase order.
  • To place the order, you need to select the stocks scrip, click on the buy options given in the order placement section and then enter the number of shares you wish to buy. This will give you the ownership of the mentioned number of shares.

About Petronet LNG Ltd.

Petronet LNG Share PricePetronet LNG Ltd. domain classification is of oil and gas industry, where it is a part of the vast Indian energy sector.

This is a joint venture created by the Government of India, which aims at importing, storing and regasification of LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) with facilitation of LNG terminals of the country.

The company is promoted by GAIL (India) Limited (GAIL), Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited (BPCL). Headquarters of the company is situated in New Delhi, India.

Company’s incorporation dates back to April 2, in the year 1998 and is into import, storage and regasification of LNG. The company has strong credits ratings as per international and domestic standards as well; while it has been ranked 50 and 40 500 and D & B Top 500 Companies of India.

The company has acquired several milestones along its journey, and the major constituents are its capacity expansion in Dahej, Gujarat.

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Products or Services offered by Petronet LNG

Petronet LNG Products, or in other words its well established terminals provide high capacity oriented import, storage and regasification facility. Petronet LNG Services are defined and it all started with the set up of first terminal in Dahej, Gujarat, which has 15 million metric tons per year capacity.

The company has constantly increased it capacity, at the rate of 17.5 million tons per year. Other similar terminal with great capacity is present in Kochi, Kerala. Further plans for new terminals are in relation with the state Andhra Pradesh.

Moving on to the services list, the company is involved in regasification, storage and reloading, bunkering, gassing-up and cooling-down facilities and LNG truck loading facilities

Petronet LNG Shares – Conclusion

So, our article was an entire package we presented to you, which is constructed with the motive of providing one stop place for information. We have put together the information of the company you need, the Petronet LNG Shares Price, historical data and also the ways in which you can successfully place an investment trade order.

Use the part of information you need or the entire article if you are new to the trading world. We also mentioned all the reasons why you must invest in the shares, following which you can make your own call.

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