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Getting started with this article, we have everything related to Smile Microfinance Unlisted Shares / Pre IPO shares you need.

We ought to provide you with the details which would invest in Smile Microfinance pre-IPO stock each. In a way, you can check the present value of the stock, and would also let you evaluate the future like the price of the shares.

Management Trustworthy
Accounting Practice Clean
Profitability Exceed Expectations
Financial Solvency Meet Expectations
Business Growth Outstanding
Valuation Undervalued
Market Position Traditional
Overall Rating 5 Star
Recommendation Buy


Locating the details of Unlisted companies is pretty difficult and so, we have decided to share the hassle with you. We have curated all the details in the article for your reference. This would provide you with the necessary details to get into the process of investing or otherwise.

Smile Microfinance Unlisted Share – Review

The table you can see in the article gives you all the information on the overall view of the company. This is the review part of the article, wherein you can check the ISIN number, the industry to which this company belongs, and more.

Reg Date 21ST Mar 1995
ISIN INE786V01012
Sector Non-Banking Financial Services
 Sub-Sector Financial Services- Lending
Current Price NA
Total Income Rs.116.97 Cr
Market Capital Rs.190.73 Cr
Profit after Tax Rs. 25.97 Cr
Total shares 1,73,39,639

Furthermore, besides the basic information, we have also included the financial aspects, i.e. financial snapshot at a glance. Keeping you grounded to the company entirely, the total number of shares and other information is included.

Total income is Rs.116.97 cr, shares are 17339639, and the company belongs to Non-Banking Financial Services.

Smile Microfinance Unlisted Share – Evaluation

Inputs to find out the current value of the stock are as well included in this article, precisely in this sub-section. The table has all the data you need and the likely aspects you need to focus on are precisely ROE, EPS, CMP, Dividend Yield, EBITDA, Earning yield, and more.

Intrinsic Value Rs.196.80
Total Equity Rs.135.18 Cr
Total Revenue Rs.116.97 Cr
Return on Equity 19.2%
CMP Rs.110
Face Value Rs.10
Basic EPS  Rs.14.98
Dividend Yield NA
D/E 2.98
Earnings Yield 13.62%
P/E Ratio NA
Capital Adequacy Ratio 28.24%

With all the factors considered, you can feasibly attempt fundamental analysis. Also, you can check the management information and other necessary aspects.

All such items combined, are the pathway you need to set upon, to decide on an investment option.

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    About Smile Microfinance Limited

    The year of incorporation is 21st March 1995 for Smile Microfinance, and it is registered with RBI. Belonging to the NBFC sector, this company is based in Chennai and was the first to set its hub in the city.

    Line of operations this company is involved with include, providing microfinance services to Women from poor segments of urban and rural Tamil Nadu.

    The structured pattern of the JLG model is adopted by the company which is equally a benefit for it and its clients. This ensures consistency in need fulfillment and also in fetching back loan payments.

    Taking notes of the company’s presence, it has established a place for itself in 28 districts of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Kerala. They manage a network of 105 branches and have employed 550 employees.

    Smile Microfinance Unlisted Share – Products/Services

    The service offerings of the company include a lot of innovative products and services, with the common objective to serve the client base. Each kind of need put forward by clients is addressed, via customized products and services.

    There are provisions of group loans, which are precisely inclined towards women who lend for business and other income-generating activities.

    Loan products offered by the company go as:

    • IGP Loans
    • Parallel IGP Loans
    • Education Loan and Functional Loans

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    Smile Microfinance Unlisted Share – Current Asset Count

    Let us give you a feature of the current asset holding of the company. The pros in connection with the companies are the increase CAGR the company has managed to fetch. Presently it is at 28.24%, which is well above the 15% average set by the Reserve Bank of India.

    The rising rate of Revenue for the company at CAGR of 1117.21%, taking into consideration, the FY from 2016 to 2019. The present revenue of the company is Rs.116.97 Cr in the year 2019.

    The operating profit of the company as of the year 2019 is Rs.44.55 cr, which leads the company to a PAT of Rs.25.97 cr in 2019.

    Smile Microfinance – Planned Investments

    The key institutional investor in the company is DWM Investments (Cyprus) Limited, which holds 66.64% of shares, i.e. it accounts for a total of 1,15,54,639 shares. The next investor is Dr. S Gurushankar, holding a total number of 27,02,499 shares, which aggregates to 15.59% of holding.

    Also, the investments the company has made in terms of expansion are as well multiple, while also being profitable. Every planned investment of the company has only fetched the company’s massive returns, adding onto the profit after tax it fetched.

    Smile Microfinance – Sector & Revenue Status

    As per the sector review, the microfinance sector is a highly profitable venture in many facets. Microfinance and Micro Credits are among the need and are highly in demand for multiple purposes, including funding for income-generating activities.

    This industry looks out for the need of the backward classes, and help them make a way of living. Therefore, this sector is majorly booming and comes along, the revenue of the company.

    There have been pretty positive returns for the company from the past bunch of years, without any negative returns. Also, the return the company fetched was on a rise, YOY, which is probably a good indicator.

    Smile Microfinance – Various Divisions & Subordinate

    Expansion of the company presently is marked across 28 districts of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry & Kerala. The company manages a portfolio of around Rs.515 cr. Branches investment of the company stands at 105 branches and the number of employees is 550.

    They majorly empower women who wish to set up businesses and also fund major income sources. Also, loans are provided to groups, through the diverse product lineup of the company.

    You can check through the multiple loans and offerings of the group, which are inclined towards satisfying a massive client base, with diverse kinds of needs.

    Smile Microfinance Pre IPO Industry at a glance  

    The industry in discussion is of very small-sized loans to individuals and groups and is referred to as microfinance or micro credit. The general loan amount of the industry players is around $100, and the target clients are majorly from the weaker sections of society.

    Also, taking a regulatory glance at the industry, RBI urges them to adopt the SHG Model. This model facilitates lending funds to 30 million small and micro units from across the nation. This is to ensure there is a constant source of funding, in the form of easy access.

    Forecasts and prospects of the industry are of growth exceeding CAGR 40%., by the year 2025. The step taken to drive low-salary borrowers to become self-sufficient is the key to cracking growth in the industry.

    Smile Microfinance – Enterprise Potential

    The potential of the company is enormous, and it is reflected by the statistics. Stats of the company feature a Capital adequacy ratio of 28.24%, which is above the bar of 15% as set by RBI.

    The potential of the company is featured through CARE Ratings it has obtained in the year 2018 ad 2019. It is of BBB Rating for the long-term bank facility of Rs.250 crore in the year 2018. It was also given the MFI grade of M2 in the year 2019.

    Visualizing the further prospects, total revenue is rising at 41%, while profits are rising at a CAGR of 41%. Net interest margin is as well high, in comparison with the listed peers, while the company NPA is as well pretty low.

    Smile Microfinance Unlisted Shares – Overall Counsel

    Operating Margin – meets Expectations

    Overall Turnover Margin – better than the competition

    Assets Competence Proportion – Exceptionally positive

    Gross NPA and Net NPA – remarkably outstanding

    Aggregate Revenue – Very Positive

    Operating Turnover – better than competitors.

    Profit after Tax – Positive

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      Smile Microfinance Stocks – Financial Statement

      Here is a walk into the company financials, including all the necessary statements. Starting with the balance sheet, we have profit and loss as well as cash flow statement details as well.

      Based on all such details, you can check how strong the company is running or how likely is the company not a good option for investment.

      Balance Sheet

      Taking into account the Balance sheet of the company, the company has a more than average D/E ratio of 2.98, whereas the peers secured 2.74.

      Also, there was a record higher ROE, which was as much as 19.21% for the company. This ratio, on the other hand, for the peers was 14.75%

      Total of Equity and liabilities however, for the year 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016 was, Rs.5,67,26,06,659; Rs.5,64,29,31,714 ; Rs.4,06,93,56,039  and Rs.2,44,44,77,564 .

      Profit and Loss Account

      Checking up on the net interest margin, improvement was featured in the same, from 9.32% in 2016 to an extent of 10.4% in 2019. The hike was recorded even though the interest rates were falling for the year.

      Considering the net profit, it went high at 117% CAGR, comparing the last 4 years, with fellow participants who portrayed 35% of the hike.

      Also, there has been a hike in the revenue from operations as much as 45% CAGR, while the peers recorded 37.3% in the last 4 years.

      Cash Flow Statement

      Generation of cash flow on account of Operating Activities was on the position front in FY19. However, there has been an inconsistency due to provisions as well as write-offs from years before.

      Also, recorded loan repayments have been long-term, following which net cash outflow was recorded, on account of financing activities.

      Smile Microfinance – Company Address

      The current registered office of Smile Microfinance is:

      Reg Office 14/25, Chakrapani Street, West Mambalam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600033
      Website Smile Microfinance Website Link

      Smile Microfinance – Managerial Personnel

      Below are the current key managerial personnel of the company:

      • Mr. Murali Srinivas P. Managing Director & CEO
      • Mrs. Indrani Bhagwan Singh Non-Executive Director
      • Aleem Remtula Non-Executive Director
      • Mr. Suresh K Krishna Independent Director

      Smile Microfinance – Annual Report Links

      Please check the annual report insights for the below given financial years:

      FY 2020-21 Smile Microfinance Annual Report 2020-21
      FY 2019-20 Smile Microfinance Annual Report 2019-20
      FY 2018-19 Smile Microfinance Annual Report 2018-19
      FY 2017-18 Smile Microfinance Annual Report 2017-18
      FY 2016-17 Smile Microfinance Annual Report 2016-17

      Smile Microfinance Unlisted or Pre IPO Share

      FAQ on Smile Microfinance Unlisted Share

      Can I buy Smile Microfinance Pre IPO shares?

      You can choose to go get in touch with your stock broker or local bankers regarding Unlisted shares investment. If you are enthusiastic about investing in Smile Microfinance shares that are not listed in centralized exchanges, you sure can buy them via other intermediaries.

      Is Smile Microfinance Pre-IPO investing good?

      Strategic form of investment alike listed shares investment is crucial. Herein, you need to check for the company financials and keep a frequent check on its news and recent changes. We would also provide you a heads-up on the same by giving you the best price of companies’ unlisted shares. Check Snapshot, Company reputation, Industry Experience, management performance, and more.

      How do I buy Smile Microfinance unlisted shares?

      There are multiple ways in which you can take a buying step of Smile Microfinance Pre-IPO Stock. Search for the brokers and dealers who deal in the Over-The-Counter market. Get in touch with Top10stockbroker or visit the website to check for the latest Deals. Furthermore, you can Fill-up the contact form with your details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

      How do you value Smile Microfinance pre-IPO stocks?

      One of the multiple Smile Microfinance Pre-IPO Shares valuation methods is finding the FMV or Fair Market Value. You can use the discounted cash flow method or the book value method to encounter a close to the value of the stocks. Furthermore, you can attempt a comparative analysis of the said shares from multiple stock broker’s websites.

      How do I sell Smile Microfinance unlisted shares?

      The process and intermediaries to sell Smile Microfinance Unlisted Shares is the same as buying. You can get in touch with your financial intermediary and place a sell order request. This will follow up with a price negotiation process, which is time taking, post which an agreement can be reached. This is when the sell order would actually be executed.

      Which is the best platform to buy/sell Smile Microfinance unlisted shares?

      We at Top10stockbroker.com provide you the feasibility of buying and selling unlisted shares. It is the perfect hub for dealing in Smile Microfinance Unlisted Shares, which lets you connect with the right buyer or seller. As per an in-depth comparison with other websites, you would most likely find low and affordable investment options with us.

      How to sell Smile Microfinance unlisted stocks?

      If you are Employees /ex-employees holding the shares, investors/promoters of the Smile Microfinance Company,  the stock exchange dealers, or any third party holding the unlisted shares. You can choose our platform to sell the Smile Microfinance Unlisted Equity Shares at a price range favorable for you. Negotiation is a part of the process.

      Can an NRI buy Smile Microfinance unlisted shares?

      Yes, there is complete relaxation for an NRI for investing in Smile Microfinance Unlisted Shares. NRIs can invest in the unlisted shares like resident individuals, but they have to go for a non-repatriable basis. In the case of willingness to opt for a repatriable basis, there is a condition of reporting to RBI.

      Why do investors buy unlisted shares?

      Unlisted shares are also referred to as Hidden Gems. It is on account of the profit-making potential they contain since investors become part of the company growth. They can fetch investors exponential returns, without having to comply with SEBI Regulations. Other perks are No STT and lower stockbroking charges.

      Who sells unlisted or Pre-IPO shares?

      Existing shareholders are the perfect medium to buy unlisted shares. They include parties such as Employees, Ex-employees, CEO, Promoters, Private Equity investors, and more. You can get in touch with them and other financial intermediaries through our website Top10stockbroker.com.

      How long one should hold to see gains in unlisted shares?

      The minimum time limit deemed as likely for exponential gains is 3 years. Accordingly, investors must invest in shares for provided permissible limit for the minimum front. For extended returns, investors can wait for the company to actually go public and grow beyond, the saturation point.

      How much ROI to expect from unlisted /Pre-IPO shares?

      The ROI is not stagnant or similar for each company. It differs based on the Line of business, investment period, managerial capability, and the buying price of the shares. Generally, though there is no guarantee of return on investment, 25% p.a. can be deemed as the likely return.

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