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Savvy Capital PMS is a Sebi registered portfolio management service provider in Mumbai. The company is engaged in holding investors equity portfolio. The company offers Discretionary and Non-Discretionary portfolio management services.

Savvy Capital offers personalized and cost-effective investment related services based on the customers goals. The company strives its best to meet investor’s objectives by giving them fruitful advices on portfolio strategies and risk management practices.

This article will detail on about Savvy Capital Portfolio Management Services its Strategies, Commission model, Fund manager details, types and many more.

PMS Offers

Savvy Capital PMS – Ratings & Review by Top10StockBroker

Find Client ratings of Savvy Capital Portfolio Management Services –

Returns Performance 2.7 / 5
Services 2.8 / 5
Charges 2.6 / 5
Experience 2.9 / 5
Strategies 2.8 / 5
Client Support 2.9 / 5
Overall Ratings 2.8 / 5
Star Ratings ★★★★★

Overview of Savvy Capital Portfolio Management Services

Find a detailed overview of the Savvy Capital portfolio management service in the table given below-

Company Type LLP
Registered Location Mumbai, Maharashtra
Leadership Samir V Patel
Yr. of Establishment 2016

Savvy Capital is a well-grounded and Sebi registered portfolio management service provider established in the year 1994 in Mumbai.

The company portfolio management service is available to individuals, institutions, Public and private pension funds, NPOs, Foundations and Trust.

Mr. Prathit Bhobe is a fund manager of the company. The company ensures to provide excellent customer service and account transparency.

The company fund manager construct portfolio for the customers not merely according to their suitability bust also consider their investment advisors and risk capability.

Now, we will have a discussion about Savvy Capital portfolio management service company review, its PMS returns, PMS charges and more.

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    Types of Savvy Capital PMS

    There are 2 types of Savvy Capital Portfolio Management Services –

    Types of PMS
    Discretionary Yes
    Non-Discretionary Yes

    Discretionary portfolio management service is form of investment management services where decisions are made by a portfolio manager for the investors account.

    Discretionary services are offered by the mangers that have extensive years of experience in the investment industry.

    The word “Discretionary” means decisions are taken at manager’s discretion, which implies investors, should have complete trust on the investment manager’s capabilities.

    Non- Discretionary portfolio management service, service is form of investment management services where decisions related to investor’s portfolio are made by investors itself.

    Investment manager are bound to take decisions only after consulting each and everything with your. The investment manager can suggest you the ideas but the full control lies on you.

    Savvy Capital PMS Fund Managers Details

    The table given below is providing the entire details about the fund manager of Savvy Capital PMS company.

    Fund Manager’s Details
    Name Samir V Patel
    Experience 19 Yrs.
    Highest Qualification MBA
    AUM (in Cr.) 86 Cr.
    Number of Clients 116
    Investment Tenure 3yrs

    Savvy Capital PMS was promoted by its fund manager Mr. Samir V. Patel. He is the president and CEO of Savvy Capital PMS. He is MBA by profession.

    Samir is having 19 years of experience in financial advisory industry. Prior joining   Savvy capital, Samir V. Patel was a senior consultant at Covansys Coproration, Detroit, USA.

    Savvy Capital PMS offers at least 3 years of investment tenure to the investors. The fund manager retains AUM 86 crore and serve 116 customers.

    He has tremendous experience in capital market, trading and portfolio management.

    Know Fund Managers of Other Portfolio Management Service Companies

    Savvy Capital PMS Strategies

    The below table is providing details about the Savvy Capital portfolio management service strategies-

    Large Cap Strategy Yes
    Diversified Strategy Yes
    Small – Midcap Strategy Yes
    • Stocks are purchased with 3-5 years horizon
    • The main focus is to include stocks of small cap firms and growth with large valuation
    • Stock purchasing takes place in phases
    • Value price approach is followed
    • Selling takes place after considering the behavior of the market
    • Price value is determined for each stock included in the portfolio, new positions are selected only below that price. This well help in arranging capital at accurate valuation as well as help all the customers to match their portfolios

    Savvy Capital PMS Returns / Performance

    The below table is giving details about Savvy Capital PMS returns and performance-

    Returns (CAGR)
    3 Year 9.2%
    5 Year 8.2%
    7 Year 8.8%
    10 Year 8.6%
    11 Year Plus 9.5%

    Savvy Capital PMS shown a steady growth in different years .For the first 3 years, it has shown the growth of 9.2%, for the next 5 years, the rate were slipped to 8.2%.

    Again for next 7 years, it has shown comparatively hike then 5 years, returns were 8.8% in 7 years, in the next year, the rates were declined to 8.6% and in the last more than 11 years returns were jumped to a great height of 9.5%.

    So the returns in different years are not constant, it is fluctuating in different years and the higher returns of 9.5% were attained in more than 11 years.

    Know Returns of other PMS Brands

    Savvy Capital PMS Investment Plans

    Below the given table is providing details about the Savvy Capital portfolio management service investment plans.

    Investment Plans
    Bronze (25L – 50L) Yes
    Silver (50L – 1 Cr.) Yes
    Gold (1 Cr. – 5 Cr.) Yes
    Platinum (5 Cr. Plus) Yes

    Savvy capital PMS, being a leading investment organization in industry offers various investment plans to the investors. The investment plans offered by the Savvy capital PMS are Gold, Bronze, Platinum and Silver.

    Different plans are offered in different range. Investors can choose the investment plans according to its requirements and financial capability.

    For example in the bronze plan, investors can invest the amount between 25L – 50L, whereas in the silver plan investors can invest the amount between (50L – 1 Cr.).

    If the investors would like t o invest more than 1 crore, then he can choose Gold plan, In the Gold plan, the investors can invest the amount between 1 Cr. – 5 Cr.) and in the platinum plan more than 5 crores can be invested.

    Savvy Capital PMS Fee Structure or Commission Slabs

    Find the details about the types of commission models or fees structure offered by Savvy Capital PMS house are as follows-

    Commission / Fees Structure
    Prepaid Commission Yes
    Volume% Commission Yes
    Profit Sharing% Commission Yes

    Savvy capital PMS follows following Fee Structure

    Savvy Capital PMS Prepaid Commission

    Prepaid Commission (Yearly)
    Investment – 25L – 50L 1.31% of Investment
    Investment  – 50L – 1 Cr. 1.21% of Investment
    Investment – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 1.01% of Investment
    Investment – 5 Cr. Plus 0.81% of Investment

    In the prepaid commission model, investors are bound to pay commission charges in advance before their actual investment tenure starts. As the commission is to be paid in advance, so the commission charge are also moderate.

    The percentage of commission is different for different investment amount.

    • When the investment amount ranges from (25L.-50L.), then the commission will be 1.31% of total investment amount
    • If the investment amount ranges from (50L.-1 cr.), then the commission will be 12% of total investment amount
    • When the investment amount ranges from (1cr.-5cr.), then the commission will be 1.01% of total investment amount
    • If the investment amount is higher than 5 crore then the commission will be 0.81%  of total investment amount

    Savvy Capital PMS Volume% Commission

    Volume% Commission (Yearly)
    Transaction Volume – 25L – 50L 0.115% of Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 50L – 1 Cr. 0.105% of Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 0.090% of Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 5 Cr. Plus 0.075% of Total Transaction Volume

    In the profit sharing models, commission is paid only after profits are achieved. This is the most suitable for the investors as here commission charges are paid by them after they gain profit.

    The percentage of commission is different for different profit amount

    • If the profit amount ranges from 2.5L-50L, then investors has to pay 21.3% of total profit amount.
    • In case, the profit amount ranges from 5L-10L, then investors has to pay 20.3% of total profit amount
    • If the profit amount ranges from 10L-50L, then investors has to pay 19.0% of total profit amount
    • In case, the profit amount is more than 50 lakhs, then investors has to pay of 17.5% of total profit amount

    Savvy Capital PMS Profit Sharing% Commission

    The table given below is showing details about profit sharing% commission model-

    Profit Sharing% Commission (Yearly)
    Profit Amount – 2.5L – 5L 21.3% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 5L – 10L 20.3% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 10L – 50L 19.0% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 50L Plus 17.5% of Profit

    The Volume% Commission model is totally dependent on the number of transaction done through fund manager. The commission charges also relies on how loyal the fund manager and market situation.

    The commission charges are different for different transaction amount.

    • If the transaction cost ranges from  25L-50L, then percentage of commission will be 0.115% of Total Transaction Value.
    • In case, the transaction cost ranges from  50L-1Cr, then percentage of commission will be 0.105% of Total Transaction Value
    • In case, the transaction cost ranges from 1Cr-5 Cr, then percentage of commission will be 0.090% of Total Transaction Value
    • If the transaction amount is higher than 5 crore, then percentage of commission will be 0.075% of Total Transaction Value

    Know Charges models of other Portfolio Management Service Providers

    Savvy Capital PMS Charges

    The below-given table is giving information about Savvy Capital Portfolio Management Service Charges-

    Management Fees As per commission model
    Upfront Fees 0.71% – 0.91% of Asset Value
    Brokerage Charges 0.006% – 0.026% of Total Transaction Value
    Custodian Charges 0.20% – 0.35% of Asset Value
    Depository Charges 0.17% – 0.30% of Asset Value
    Exit Load – within 12 months 0.65% – 1.20% of Withdrawal Value
    Exit Load – post 12 months Free
    • Management Fees-Management fees is decided by the investors and the investment managers during the time when different investment plan is offered to the investors.
    • Upfront Fees– Upfront fee is basically the advance fees which the investors are bound to pay to the investment manager in advance. Upfront fees ranges from 71% – 0.91% of Asset Value
    • Brokerage Charges-Brokerage charges are the fees which are paid to the brokers for taking service their service and the guidance given by them. The brokerage charges ranges from 006% – 0.026% of Total Transaction Value
    • Custodian charges– Custodian charges are bounded by the investor to pay. The custodian charges ranges from 20% – 0.35% of Asset Value
    • Depository Charges-Depository charge are the charges which the investors has to pay for opening their demat account with the depository company. The depository charges ranges from 17% – 0.30% of Asset Value
    • Exit charge-The exit charges relies on the duration of the amount invested by the investors and also the range of the amount invested. If the withdrawals are made in 12 month then exit fee will be65% –1.20% of Withdrawal Value where as if the withdrawals are made after 12 month then exit fee will be completely FREE

    Savvy Capital PMS Benefits

    Find the details about Savvy Capital PMS advantages in the table given below-

    Benefits / Advantages
    Top-up Facility Yes
    Back office Reports Yes
    Email Update Yes
    SMS Update Yes
    Watsapp Update No
    Portfolio View Yes
    Detailed View Yes
    Flexible Commission Model Yes
    Flexible Investment Plans Yes
    Massive Experience Yes
    • Exemplary customers services
    • Expert in offering wide range of investment related products to the customers
    • The portfolio manager of the company strive hard to meet the investors objectives by giving them fruitful advices on portfolio strategies and risk management practices
    • Customized investment managements services are offered to the investors
    • Top-up facility, Back office support-mail and whatsaap updates is also offered to the investors for their ease
    • Benefits of Flexible commission model and Flexible investment plans is also given

    Savvy Capital PMS Customer Care

    The table given below is showing a detailed view of Savvy Capital PMS Customer Care.

    Customer Care
    Call Support Yes
    Email Support Yes
    Chat Support No
    Watsapp Support No
    Relationship Manager Support Yes
    Call to Fund Manager Yes – 6 to 8 Times a month
    Issue Resolving TAT 12 working days

    Savvy capital PMS offers exemplary customers services to its clients. It permits the investors to make direct call to their portfolio manager for resolving the issues.

    The e-mail support is also available for the customers comfort. The company provides Dedicated Relationship manager for the continuous support and guidance to the customers.

    Call to fund manager facility is available for 5-6 times in month whereas issues’ resolving Tat is available only for 27 working days

    Savvy Capital PMS Conclusion

    Savvy Capital is an optimum choice for the customers looking for portfolio management services as company is highly encouraged to meet investors objectives by giving them advice on portfolio strategies and risk management practices.

    They offer personalize portfolio management services to the customers. The company also ensures to provide exemplary customers services and expert in offering wide range of investment related products.

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