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SageOne Investment PMS is leading in providing top-notch PMS solutions across the country.

When it comes to business understanding, the company goes deep like on a granular level and continues its research about business by talking to many layers of management personnel, the key competitors and even tends to go much deeper with groundwork at retail points, key suppliers, customers, distributors to discover or understand every risk, drivers, strategic competitive positioning of the business.

In this write-up, we will have a clear understanding of SageOne Investment Portfolio Management Services, its Commission models, Strategies, Investment plans, Prepaid Commission model, Yearly returns and much more.

PMS Offers

SageOne Investment PMS – Ratings & Review by Top10StockBroker

Find Client ratings of SageOne Investment Portfolio Management Services –

Returns Performance 3.5 / 5
Services 3.4 / 5
Charges 3.5 / 5
Experience 3.3 / 5
Strategies 3.2 / 5
Client Support 3.4 / 5
Overall Ratings 3.4 / 5
Star Ratings ★★★★★

Overview of SageOne Investment Portfolio Management Services

Find a detailed overview of the SageOne Investment portfolio management service in the table given below-

Company Type LLP
Registered Location Pune, Maharastra
Yr. of Establishment 2013

It has been observed that SageOne Investment PMS has been gaining speed in the portfolio management space in the country.

The company has a limited liability partnership which is founded by Samit Vartak in the year 2013. Headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra, the company is equipped with skilful fund managers who have full knowledge about the company’s position against domestic and global competitors.

Now, we will discuss the SageOne Investment portfolio management service company review, its PMS returns, PMS charges and more.

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    Types of SageOne Investment PMS

    There are 2 types of SageOne Investment Portfolio Management Services –

    Types of PMS
    Discretionary Yes
    Non-Discretionary Yes

    The SageOne Investment PMS offers both Discretionary and Non –Discretionary PMS. The PMs Fund managers of the company under discretionary are given complete freedom to select suitable stocks and create a portfolio accordingly for the client.

    However, with non-discretionary, the fund managers will not be able to carry forward any transaction without asking for the client’s approval.

    An unapproved transaction will be treated as void or null so in short PMS fund managers are not given any discretion in Non-Discretionary PMS.

    SageOne Investment PMS Fund Managers Details

    The table given below is providing the entire details about the fund manager of SageOne Investment PMS company.

    Fund Manager’s Details
    Name SAMIT VARTAK (Fund Manager)
    Experience 20 Yrs.
    Highest Qualification CFA
    AUM (in Cr.) 525 Cr.
    Number of Clients 297
    Investment Tenure Minimum 3 yr.

    The edge of the Broking house comes mainly from the fund managers who are skilful in understanding all the global and domestic competitors that the company is against at present.

    Among them all, Samit Vartak is the best and most experienced one. He has experience of 20 years as the Chief Investment Officer in SageOne and is responsible for the core investment philosophy of the company and discipline of risk management.

    SageOne Investment PMS fund managers hold Rs 525 crore as AUM while managing a portfolio of around 297 clients. For clients, the investment tenure in the broking house is a minimum of 3 years.

    Know Fund Managers of Other Portfolio Management Service Companies

    SageOne Investment PMS Strategies

    The below table is providing details about the SageOne Investment portfolio management service strategies-

    SageOne – Core Portfolio MULTI CAP
    SageOne – Small Cap Portfolio SMALL CAP

    The broking house offers various PMS strategies to their client who focuses on large-cap strategy, diversified strategy and small-mid cap strategy.

    Here are some of the core SageOne Investment PMS strategies provided for the clients-

    Core portfolio

    The intention of this strategy best laid out is, to outperform the benchmark indices by at least 5% (annualized) over an economic cycle. For the philosophy adaptation, niche business leaders are chosen, the ones who expect a rise of 20% (CAGR) in earnings.

    The companies chosen are also weighed based on market share gain from the competition, and the ones which perform well during stressed environments as compared to their counterparts.

    Diversified Portfolio

    The approach adopted here is of creating a portfolio which has high earnings structural growth with an attractive valuation. Laying out the investment objective is to outperform the benchmark indices by at least 5% (annualized) over an economic cycle.

    Small & Micro Cap Portfolio

    The approach is to find the companies which have a competitive advantage even in environments which are not favourable for them. The investment period is of 3-5 years with an expectancy of attaining outperformance of benchmark indices by at least 5% (annualized) over an economic cycle.

    SageOne Investment PMS Returns / Performance

    The below table is giving details about SageOne Investment PMS returns and performance-

    Strategy SageOne – Core Portfolio SageOne – Small Cap Portfolio
    Return (CAGR) 1M -3.48% -2.24%
    3M 8.14% 14.25%
    6M -8.96% -2.31%
    1Y -13.70% -0.85%
    2Y 29.83% 40.08%
    3Y 26.46% 41.04%
    5Y 14.29% NA
    Since Inception 18.09% 32.62%
    Inception Year Jan 2017 Apr 2019

    The broking house offers a very impressive and robust return rate. The SageOne Investment PMS Returns have the full ability to beat around ten-plus years of Mutual Fund Returns.

    The PMS performance of this broking house for 1 year is -13.70%, for 2 years is 29.83%, for 3 years is 26.46%, and for 5 years is 14.29%. The performance since inception becomes 18.09%.

    Know the Returns of other PMS Brands

    SageOne Investment PMS Investment Plans

    The given table is providing details about the SageOne Investment portfolio management service investment plans.

    Investment Plans
    Bronze (25L – 50L) Yes
    Silver (50L – 1 Cr.) Yes
    Gold (1 Cr. – 5 Cr.) Yes
    Platinum (5 Cr. Plus) Yes

    The attractive rate of returns provided by the company is the reason why the investors are well convinced to avail services of SageOne PMS house.

    There are different types of SageOne Investment PMS Plans provided by the company for all of its clients.

    However, a fixed amount of Rs 25 lakh must be required for initiating transactions with the PMS house. Sagone broking house in total has 4 types of Investment Plans which are- Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum from which the clients can choose as they prefer.

    The Bronze Plan starts with the range of Rs 25 lakh and goes upto Rs 50 lakh and the silver plan ranges between Rs 50 lakh and Rs 1 crore.

    The Gold plan starts from Rs 1 crore which exceeds upto Rs 5 crore. Meanwhile, clients with a high budget meaning investing more than Rs 5 crore then they can enjoy the platinum plan.

    SageOne Investment PMS Fee Structure or Commission Slabs

    Find the details about the types of commission models or fees structure offered by SageOne Investment PMS house as follows-

    Commission / Fees Structure
    Prepaid Commission Yes
    Volume% Commission Yes
    Profit Sharing% Commission Yes

    The SageOne Investment PMS fee structure has been given in the above table which is classified into 3 types of categories- Prepaid Commission, Volume% Commission and Profit Sharing % Commission.

    SageOne Investment PMS Prepaid Commission

    Prepaid Commission (Yearly)
    Investment – 25L – 50L 1.25% of Investment
    Investment – 50L – 1 Cr. 1.15% of Investment
    Investment – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 1.05% of Investment
    Investment – 5 Cr. Plus 0.95% of Investment

    Under the SageOne Investment Portfolio Management Services Prepaid Commission, investors must make an advanced payment. Here, the commission is dependent on the amount of investment that is made by the client.

    For an investment that is made between 25 lakh and 50 lakh, the prepaid commission levied is 1.25% of the investment, if the investment is done somewhere between Rs 50 lakh and 1 crore, then the prepaid commission levied is 1.15% of the investment.

    When the investment is between 1 crore and 5 crore, then the prepaid commission levied is 1.05% whereas, with an investment done more than 5 crores, the prepaid commission becomes 0.95% of the investment.

    SageOne Investment PMS Volume% Commission

    Volume% Commission (Yearly)
    Transaction Volume – 25L – 50L 0.116% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 50L – 1 Cr. 0.109% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 0.099% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 5 Cr. Plus 0.085% of the Total Transaction Volume

    The fee structure in the SageOne Investment Portfolio Management Services Volume% Commission relies on the overall amount of transactions that are done by the Fund Manager.

    In this model, the commission model is generally dependent on two important factors- a) the current situation of the market and b) the loyalty or faithfulness of the fund manager in the company.

    When the yearly transaction volume stays between Rs 25 lakh and 50 lakh, then the Management fees charge 0.116% of the total transaction volume, if the transaction volume is somewhere between 50 lakh and 1 crore, then the Management fees become 0.109% of the total transaction volume.

    If the transaction volume stays between 1 crore and 5 crores, the Management fees become 0.099% of the total transaction volume.

    When the amount of transaction goes higher, commission charges get decrease like if the transaction volume is above Rs 5 crore, the charges are 0.085% of the total transaction volume.

    SageOne Investment PMS Profit Sharing% Commission

    The table given below is showing details about profit sharing% commission model-

    Profit Sharing% Commission (Yearly)
    Profit Amount – 2.5L – 5L 21.7% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 5L – 10L 19.7% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 10L – 50L 17.9% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 50L Plus 15.5% of Profit

    Among all other commission models, SageOne Investment PMS Profit Sharing Commission is rated by the investors to be the most suited model.

    Though the commission charge is very high, the risk involved in it would be comparatively low. The profit sharing becomes 21.7% when the profit amount is somewhere between Rs 2.5 lakh and 5 lakh, the profit sharing is 19.7% which achieves profit between the range of Rs 5 lakh and 10 lakh.

    When profit sharing is somewhere between 10 lakh and 50 lakh, then the profit sharing is 17.9% whereas with profit amount scaling up above 50 lakh, the profit sharing becomes 15.5%.

    Know Charges models of other Portfolio Management Service Providers

    SageOne Investment PMS Charges

    The below-given table is giving information about SageOne Investment Portfolio Management Service Charges-

    Management Fees As per the commission model
    Upfront Fees 0.72% – 0.99% of Asset Value
    Brokerage Charges 0.008% – 0.029% of Total Transaction Value
    Custodian Charges 0.17% – 0.29% of Asset Value
    Depository Charges 0.19% – 0.29% of Asset Value
    Exit Load – within 12 months 0.80% – 1.09% of Withdrawal Value
    Exit Load – post 12 months Free

    In addition to the commission fees, the company offers the following SageOne Investment Portfolio Management Services Charges-

    Management Fees- The fee structure of the company would be as per the commission model that has been mutually agreed upon between the client and the PMS team.

    Upfront Fees- An upfront fee ranging between 0.72% and 0.99% of Asset value needs to be paid to the SageOne PMS team.

    Brokerage Charges- The investors are needed to pay brokerage charges of 0.008%-0.029% of the total transaction value.

    Custodian Charges- The custodian charges would be somewhere between 0.17% and 0.29% of asset value.

    Depository Charges– The PMS depository charge of SageOne broking house would be between 0.19% and 0.29% of asset value.

    Exit Load Fees- If before 1 year period of portfolio creation, the amount is withdrawn from the account, then exit load fees are charged between 0.80% and 1.09% of withdrawal value whereas after 1 year period the exit load is free.

    SageOne Investment PMS Benefits

    Find the details about SageOne Investment PMS advantages in the table given below-

    Benefits / Advantages
    Top-up Facility Yes
    Back office Reports Yes
    Email Update Yes
    SMS Update Yes
    Watsapp Update No
    Portfolio View Yes
    Detailed View Yes
    Flexible Commission Model Yes
    Flexible Investment Plans Yes
    Massive Experience Yes

    The SageOne Investment PMS provide several benefits which are listed below:

    • SageOne PMS House provides a Top-up facility to all investors.
    • The investors are offered the facility of Back office reports where the investors can get access to all the latest reports and portfolio information.
    • SageOne Investment PMS benefits the clients by providing an up-to-date update about all the transactions that take place through Email and SMS.
    • The broking house makes provision for a Flexible Commission Model and Flexible Investment Plans for the investors.
    • SageOne Investment PMS house has a massive experience in Portfolio Management Services for the best possible results.

    SageOne Investment PMS Customer Care

    The table given below is showing a detailed view of SageOne Investment PMS Customer Care.

    Customer Care
    Call Support Yes
    Email Support Yes
    Chat Support No
    Watsapp Support No
    Relationship Manager Support Yes
    Call to Fund Manager Yes – 5 Times a month
    Issue Resolving TAT 11 working days

    As per SageOne Investment Portfolio Management Services Customer Care, the company provides the facility of direct call through which the clients can call directly to resolve any kind of queries or issues at any point in time.

    • The clients can get full support through Email.
    • The customers can also go for further support by approaching the Relationship manager.
    • The clients are allowed to call their Fund Managers 5 times a month.
    • The SageOne Investment will take 11 working days to resolve all issues.

    SageOne Investment PMS Conclusion

    The scheme offered by SageOne Investment PMS is attention-grabbing for providing a strong support system. The clients with their investment portfolios are allowed to call their fund manager at least 5 times a month.

    As per SageOne Investment PMS Conclusion, the company offers all kinds of investment plans for clients including the Bronze plan, Silver plan, Gold Plan and Platinum plan.

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