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Phillip Capital PMS is a part of the investment giant ‘Phillip Capital Group Singapore. They represent the financial services and advisory segment of the company in India.

Phillip Capital has a unique perspective towards its clients. They seek the need and requirements of their clients. And, that’s how they garner custom-tailored financial solutions.

For today’s article, we’ll draw a finely detailed description of Phillip Capital Portfolio Management Services. We’ll review them thoroughly for being a PMS company. And the reviews will constitute of the following: –

  • Fragment of their story from the very beginning. We’re referring to the time of their origin. We’ll disclose their place and year of inception. We’ll even establish the basics about their founders.
  • Detailed layout of all of their PMS models.
  • A detailed description of their fund managers. This part will be inclusive of their qualifications. This will even include the list of their expertise. Furthermore, we’ll establish a clear picture of the assets they’re managing.
  • We’ll describe in detail all of their investment strategies. This part will be inclusive of the reasons that compel them to use the strategies. This’ll even tell you about the benefits of these strategies.
  • We’ll lay down a detailed chart on the expected returns they promise. This part will tell you about the variation in returns based on the investment terms.
  • Complete list of all the investment plans they put out to their clients. This part will elaborate on all the strategies. This will even describe the major difference between them.
  • You’ll get to explore the plan they have related to the commission. This part will include the pros and cons of each of these plans. This will even explain how the plans work in real-time.
  • You’ll get to explore all about their prepaid commission plan.
  • And more

PMS Offer

Phillip Capital PMS – Ratings & Review by Top10StockBroker

Find Client ratings of Phillip Capital Portfolio Management Services –

Returns Performance 3.9 / 5
Services 3.7 / 5
Charges 3.8 / 5
Experience 3.9 / 5
Strategies 3.8 / 5
Client Support 3.7 / 5
Overall Ratings 3.8 / 5
Star Ratings ★★★★★

Overview of Phillip Capital Portfolio Management Services

Find a detailed overview of the Phillip Capital portfolio management service in the table given below-

Company Type Private
Registered Location Mumbai, Maharashtra
Leadership Rajendra Bhambhani
Yr. of Establishment 1975

Phillip Capital PMS was brought to India in the year 1975. And, all the credit for this amazing feat must be given to Rajendra Bhambhani.

He was the one whose efforts made the company possible. And, he’s the founder of the company. At present they have their headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

They’ve been catering for clients with great satisfaction ever since their establishment. And, the reason for this is their dedicated team of experts.

This in-house team is responsible for accurate analysis. And, that’s what makes all the difference. The analysis is the foundation of most of their strategies.

And, they’re proud of their team. In short, they follow a customer-driven approach. And, teamwork prevails in their organization.

Now, we will discuss Phillip Capital’s portfolio management service company review, its PMS returns, PMS charges and more.

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    Types of Phillip Capital PMS

    There are 2 types of Phillip Capital Portfolio Management Services –

    Types of PMS
    Discretionary Yes
    Non-Discretionary Yes

    Phillip Capital PMS is not an exception from the rest of the industry. That’s why they’re willing to do everything at their disposal to ensure client satisfaction.

    And, this includes granting more than one PMS option. They provide their clients with two PMS types. First is the Discretionary type of PMS.

    This puts all the investment-related power in the fund manager’s hands. It even does not require a lot of engagement from the clients. Second, in line is the Non-Discretionary Type of PMS.

    This one is different from the first one. It’s the opposite. It puts the decisive powers in the hand of the clients. The company grants the clients accurate advice.

    And, then the clients are asked to permit certain transitions in approach. It requires a lot of engagement from the clients.

    Phillip Capital PMS Fund Managers Details

    The table given below is providing the entire details about the fund manager of Phillip Capital PMS company.

    Fund Manager’s Details
    Name Nishit Shah
    Experience 14 Years
    Highest Qualification MBA
    AUM (in Cr.) 229899 Cr.
    Number of Clients 1000000
    Investment Tenure 4-5 yrs

    Nishit Shah (Portfolio Manager)

    A visionary as he is, Mr Nishit Shah is a triple graduate. He has acquired 14 years of experience all the while working in equity markets. He is a pro in his domain and has attained the utmost success in identifying themes and stocks. Themes he helped administered are known to have fetched multiplier returns.

    He was previously employed with some well-known wealth management companies in India, including Motilal Oswal.

    And, his guidance has led the company to deliver amazing results. And, you can get exclusive to his expertise for your investments. All you need is an investment for 4-5 years.

    Know Fund Managers of Other Portfolio Management Service Companies

    Phillip Capital PMS Strategies

    The below table is providing details about the Phillip Capital portfolio management service strategies-

    Phillip – Emerging India Portfolio SMALL & MIDCAP
    Phillip – Signature India Portfolio MULTI CAP

    There are several strategies that Phillip Capital PMS implements. However, it always keeps the clients at the centre of all strategies. They’re flexible with their investment approach.

    Emerging India Portfolio

    The theme that the name of this strategy features abides with that of its philosophy, i.e. to invest in socially responsible companies. The strategy is highly driven to exclude businesses with have its line of operations going on the contrary end of its belief.

    The idea of investment is to fetch returns over medium and long terms across market capitalization and the portfolio. Investment is taken from across large, mid and small-cap.

    Star Portfolio

    The limelight for this strategy is an investment in mutual funds, as the aim is to attain capital appreciation over the long term. All in all, the investment is made across 4 to 6 equity fund schemes.

    Investment is made through market capitalization and investment philosophies.

    Phillip Capital PMS Returns / Performance

    The below table is giving details about Phillip Capital PMS returns and performance-

    Strategy Phillip – Emerging India Portfolio Phillip – Signature India Portfolio
    Return (CAGR) 1M -0.72% -2.37%
    3M 17.06% 14.18%
    6M 6.86% 2.82%
    1Y 1.12% -2.13%
    2Y 32.62% 27.20%
    3Y 23.99% 19.49%
    5Y 15.19% 13.26%
    Since Inception 13.83% 13.14%
    Inception Year Aug 2017 May 2016

    As you can see above, the chart represents the CAGR for Phillip Capital. The information’s been categorized as per investment tenure.

    The returns are calculated in terms of compound annual growth rate (CAGR). So, the CAGR for a 1-year investment is 1.12%. CAGR for a 2-year investment is 32.62%.

    CAGR for investment worth 3 years is 23.99%. 15.19% CAGR is expected from investments worth 5 years. And, the highest yielding returns are promised by investments worth 11+ years. These promise a CAGR of 13.83% since inception.

    Know the Returns of other PMS Brands

    Phillip Capital PMS Investment Plans

    The given table is providing details about the Phillip Capital portfolio management service investment plans.

    Investment Plans
    Bronze (25L – 50L) Yes
    Silver (50L – 1 Cr.) Yes
    Gold (1 Cr. – 5 Cr.) Yes
    Platinum (5 Cr. Plus) Yes

    Phillip Capital PMS has set up four categories of investment plans. And, each plan is determined as per the investment value.

    So, the first plan is Bronze Plan. It refers to investments worth 25L-50L. Next is the Silver Plan. This caters to investors investing worth 50L-1Cr.

    Third, in line is the Gold Plan. This is subjected to investments worth 1Cr.-4Cr. And, the last one is called the Platinum Plan. This caters to investments worth over 5Cr.

    Phillip Capital PMS Fee Structure or Commission Slabs

    Find the details about the types of commission models or fees structure offered by Phillip Capital PMS house as follows-

    Commission / Fees Structure
    Prepaid Commission Yes
    Volume% Commission Yes
    Profit Sharing% Commission Yes

    Investment Plans are not the only ones with categories. Phillip Capital PMS has three distinct commission plans in motion. We’re talking about the prepaid, volume% and the profit-sharing plan.

    Phillip Capital PMS Prepaid Commission

    Prepaid Commission (Yearly)
    Investment – 25L – 50L 1.09% of Investment
    Investment – 50L – 1 Cr. 1.04% of Investment
    Investment – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 0.99% of Investment
    Investment – 5 Cr. Plus 0.89% of Investment

    First in line comes the prepaid plan. This plan requires a payment of commission in advance. Nonetheless, the commission rates are a lot less than usual.

    They’re categorized as per investment plans. The Bronze Plan is subject to a 1.09% commission rate. Silver Plan is subject to a 1.04% commission rate.

    Gold Plan holders must pay a 0.99% commission rate. And, the Platinum Plan holders are subject to 0.89% commission rates. The commissions are charged as per the investment value.

    Phillip Capital PMS Volume% Commission

    Volume% Commission (Yearly)
    Transaction Volume – 25L – 50L 0.119% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 50L – 1 Cr. 0.111% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 0.100% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 5 Cr. Plus 0.080% of the Total Transaction Volume

    Second, in line is the volume% commission plan. The clients, in this plan, must pay the commission for transactions. We’re talking about the ones made by the fund manager for capital appreciation.

    Even this plan has four categories defined by investment plans. The Bronze plan bearers must pay a 0.119% commission rate. Silver Plan holders needed to pay 0.111% commission.

    Gold Plan holders must pay off a commission rate of 0.100%. And, the Platinum Plan bearers must pay off a commission rate of 0.080%.

    Phillip Capital PMS Profit Sharing% Commission

    The table given below is showing details about profit sharing% commission model-

    Profit Sharing% Commission (Yearly)
    Profit Amount – 2.5L – 5L 22.1% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 5L – 10L 21.6% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 10L – 50L 20.6% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 50L Plus 18.0% of Profit

    The final category of the commission plan is the Profit-Sharing Plan. This asks the investors to pay after getting the profits. Hence, this is way more popular with the clients.

    As the remaining two, this too has four categories. The bronze category is a subject to 22.1% commission rate. Silver and Gold categories must bear a commission rate of 21.6% and 20.6%.

    And, the last category, which is Platinum must bear a commission rate of 18.0%.

    Know Charges models of other Portfolio Management Service Providers

    Phillip Capital PMS Charges

    The below-given table is giving information about Phillip Capital Portfolio Management Service Charges-

    Management Fees As per the commission model
    Upfront Fees 0.72% – 0.99% of Asset Value
    Brokerage Charges 0.008% – 0.029% of Total Transaction Value
    Custodian Charges 0.17% – 0.29% of Asset Value
    Depository Charges 0.19% – 0.29% of Asset Value
    Exit Load – within 12 months 0.80% – 1.09% of Withdrawal Value
    Exit Load – post 12 months Free

    Few charges are levied from clients besides commission. We’re referring to the ones taken for PMS-related services. Here’s the complete list: –

    • Exit Load of upto 0.80%-1.09% on the withdrawal amount. This is applicable in case a withdrawal is made in between 12 months from investment.
    • Management Fee by the opted-out commission plan.
    • Front Fee of 0.72%-0.99% on asset value.
    • Brokerage Charges of upto 0.008%-0.029% on the transactional value.
    • Custodian Charges of upto 0.17%-0.29% of asset value.
    • And, Depository Charges of upto 0.19%-0.29% of asset value.
    • No charges are taken for withdrawal post 12 months of investment.

    Phillip Capital PMS Benefits

    Find the details about Phillip Capital PMS advantages in the table given below-

    Benefits / Advantages
    Top-up Facility Yes
    Back office Reports Yes
    Email Update Yes
    SMS Update Yes
    Watsapp Update No
    Portfolio View Yes
    Detailed View Yes
    Flexible Commission Model Yes
    Flexible Investment Plans Yes
    Massive Experience Yes

    The entire list of benefits of investing with Phillip Capital PMS unfolds as follows: –

    • As an investor, you get access to their massive experience. You get to experience a part of their international expertise. This has grand financial advantages.
    • They grant you multiple flexible investment and commission models to choose from. They build completely new strategies for every single client.
    • You will stay updated with real-time alerts via Email and SMS.
    • You’ll have access to several reports regarding your investments. The list includes Back-Office Reports, Portfolio View and Detailed View.

    You get to use their top-up facility to increase your investment capital upon will.

    Phillip Capital PMS Customer Care

    The table given below is showing a detailed view of Phillip Capital PMS Customer Care.

    Customer Care
    Call Support Yes
    Email Support Yes
    Chat Support No
    Watsapp Support No
    Relationship Manager Support Yes
    Call to Fund Manager Yes – 6 Times a month
    Issue Resolving TAT 20 working days

    Phillip Capital PMS’ customer care grants the following: –

    • Call and Email based instant support.
    • Provision of a relationship manager to answer your investment-related queries.
    • Permission to call the fund manager upto 6 times a month.
    • A turnaround time for issue resolution of 20 working days.

    Phillip Capital PMS Conclusion

    We’ve mentioned all there is about Phillip Capital PMS. They’re a part of the international investment advisory giant.

    They have brilliant services to offer. And, they even build a custom strategy for their clients. There’s nothing more you can need.

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