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Last Updated Date - Oct 14, 2022

Profitmart Securities Brokerage Calculator

This Profitmart Securities Brokerage Calculator will help you to find out the actual and latest brokerage charges of Profitmart Securities Private Limited.

Profitmart Securities Brokerage CalculatorYou can calculate brokerage for all asset classes like Equity Intraday, Equity Delivery, Equity Futures, Equity Options, Currency Futures, Currency Options & Commodity.

Along with Brokerage charges, it will also give you detailed understanding of other charges like transaction charges, STT, Stamp Duty for each State, SEBI turnover charges, GST & Transaction Charges. Just provide your Buy & Sell details & hit calculate button.

Choose Broker

Brokerage Calculate
Total Turnover (Rs.) -
Brokerage (Rs.) -
STT (Rs.) -
SEBI Turnover Fees (Rs.) -
Stamp Duty (Rs.) -
Transaction Charges (Rs.) -
GST (Rs.) -
Total Brokerage & Tax (Rs.) -
Total Profit Or Loss (Rs.) -

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    Before you think you have the entire profit to enjoy from a high price sale, you need to know, it is subject to a lot of deductions. One such deduction is the brokerage; stock broking companies charge and the Profitmart Brokerage Calculator contribute its part.

    This article has all the details, i.e. the charge list which would likely be used to choose the asset class to invest in.

    Then, we have also embedded a Profitmart Calculator into, to help out with the commutation process. So, you may consider it sorted, and simply use the same whenever you want to made a bid or trade.

    Profitmart Delivery Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Delivery 0.30%

    Delivery trading is quite famous to be explained in detail. We have an idea of the concept it withholds. However, the charges might be unknown as they range as per companies. The charge rate of Equity Delivery for Profitmart is 0.30%.

    As for the Profitmart Delivery Brokerage Calculator, it lets you commute the percentage for a lot of trades, in a click. You can use it as many times as possible and the results would be right and in order. This way you will know the price at which you need to make a sale, in order to earn the profit.

    Take an example of 230 shares, sold at Rs.40, which were bought at Rs.29. Your expense would account to Rs.44.610

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    Profitmart Intraday Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Intraday 0.03%

    Day trading is difficult, and so the perks company provide is on a rise here. It starts with low brokerage, though not waived off brokergage. So, intraday investment with Profitmart would cost 0.01% charge.

    If you turn to Profitmart Intraday Brokerage Calculator for commutation you job shall become easy. Try an example out, where you invest in 400 shares of Rs.30 each. You make sale at Rs.44, and using the Profitmart Brokerage Calculator you can determine the charge would be Rs.8.880.

    Profitmart Option Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Options Rs. 50/Lot

    Underlying assets investment is again profitable, as some investment argue options trading is profitable as compared to equity delivery. While the perceptions differ, the charge rate stays constant. It takes at the rate of Rs.50 per Lot.

    For every lot that you sell, you will pay Rs.50. If you sell more than a single lot, it can be easily determined with the help of Profitmart Option Brokerage Calculator.

    Commute feasible using the Profitmart Brokerage Calculator. As for instance, if you invest in 4 lots, you will pay a charge of Rs.200

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    Profitmart Future Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Futures 0.03%

    Futures are as well part of the various other segments the company offers. Futures are a fruitful investment instruments, and you may choose to invest in them keeping track of the expenses through Profitmart Future Brokerage Calculator.

    Let us give you an example. If you hold 300 shares of Rs.30 each, and wish to sell them now, as the prices surged to Rs.44. you will then earn a profit of Rs.6.66 from the turnover of Rs.22200. This is accounted for, on a percentage of 0.03.

    Other segments as well have similar charge rate and the commutation would be done in a similar fashion. Use our calculator to do the commutation part.

    Profitmart Currency Option Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Currency Option Rs.50 per lot

    Options are the underlying assets people invest in. the price is predetermined; however, the brokerage is levied on the same. The company has a norm of charging Rs.50 per lot. It is because options are sold on lot basis, and each lot has a pool of shares.

    Profitmart Currency Option Brokerage Calculator, gives you the figures from the trade. If you determine the charge before you actually place an order, it would help you know your real income.

    The Profitmart Currency Brokerage Calculator is constructed with the similar aim. We aim at nothing but increasing the profits our readers would yield. As for the charge, it is Rs.50 per Lot, lesser than what most of the other companies charge.

    Profitmart Currency Future Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Currency Futures 0.03%

    So, the possibility of maximizing your funds includes yet another segment. Currency Futures are less risky and therefore make up a great investment option. If you haven’t figured out how much of brokerage it charges, we wish to convey it include 0.03%.

    Profitmart Currency Future Brokerage Calculator helps try different rates, and determine the most profitable deal. Also, the Profitmart Currency Brokerage Calculator is a great way to learn.

    You will eventually be able to locate a profitable deal, just by the look of it, before commuting the charges.

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    Profitmart Commodity Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Commodity Trading 0.03%

    One of the few companies that offer commodity trading is Profitmart. Also, we wish to state that the charge they take is super cheap, in comparison with its counterparts. The charge is a small percentage, i.e. only 0.03%. It is taken on the entire turnover.

    To make your commutation process easy and seamless, we have made the Profitmart Commodity Brokerage Calculator to offer. The Profitmart Brokerage Calculator is just like a regular calculator, but is embedded with the necessary metrics to commute brokerage.

    Profitmart Calculator – Conclusion

    We hope to have contributed a part to your investment process and plans. We wish to help our readers out, with as much as we can and the Profitmart Brokerage Calculator does contribute in a number of ways.

    Usage of the Profitmart Calculator is pretty easy as well, and the results are displayed in seconds. In fact, the result would be displayed as soon as you press the calculate button. So, we would like to encourage you to hit up the calculator every time you wish to make any trade.

    Simply enter the digits as asked, depending upon the kind of segment you opted for and click on the calculate button. The results would be there, in front of you sooner than you can think.

    Open Demat Account with Profitmart – Fill up the Form Now!

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