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Find the list of Best Bearish Option Trading Strategies here.

There are different options trading strategies which an investor can apply, depending on the condition of the market.

So, if they particularly expect the price of a security to fall down, it gives them a bearish sentiment towards the stock prices.

In this condition, they may use a suitable strategy from Bearish Options Trading Strategies, to trade in options and make a reasonable return.

Bearish Option Trading Strategies: Introduction

Different traders in the market follow their own unique approach regarding the application of options strategies. It does not mean that only those strategies are true and viable.

An investor may have a different outlook on the movement of stock prices, which may merit the application of a unique strategy.

For example, waiting for a small dip in the price of a security may not reward the investor viably.

So, in the instance where the price of the security does not move by enough margins, the condition may spell a loss for the investor.

So, depending on the condition of the market and how exactly the investor expects the price of a security to move, there are a bunch of options strategies, which merit planning and implementation.

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    Why should an investor plan and implement a Bearish Options Trading Strategy?

    Bearish Option Trading Strategies

    Depending on the expected movement of the prices of a security, an investor may have a bearish outlook towards a stock.

    In a situation such as this, there will be no point in taking a call option. A put option is the only viable option to choose in a situation such as this.

    However, only buying put options may not serve the interest of the investor as well as other options trading strategies. This is why it makes sense to have some knowledge about each of them.

    This is mostly because a single put option can easily expire and become worthless. This would be the case when the price of a security rises or remains at the same spot, regardless of the expectation of the investor.

    This would only amount to a direct loss for the investor since they will lose the amount of debit spread, spent to take a position in the strategy.

    At the same time, the impact of time decay may diminish what little profits the investor may have made.

    This is why only buying put options may not be a healthy strategy for investment after all. Depending on the level of downfall in the price of security, there are other options to choose as well.

    To make it work, every strategy works in a certain way.

    The end result of the execution of every strategy is a return in the form of gains. This is why every strategy has its own unique benefits and a system of implementation.

    At the end of it, the investor may, after all, achieve the gains that they have manifested. Investors use a bunch of calls and put options or only put options to reduce the overall impact of any possible losses.

    At the same time, investors can also seek to make an investment in call options, just as much as they invest in put options.

    Likewise, investors can also enter into a credit spread instead of a debit spread to minimize their overall losses. This indicates that the Bearish Options Trading Strategies are quite versatile in nature.

    This is why there is a good scope to make a profit from the strategies but the element of risk with each one of them should not remain forgotten.

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    Are there any disadvantages of using Bearish Option Trading Strategies?

    On the face, it appears as though a bearish options trading strategy will always yield good returns.

    However, the strategies are still fraught with disadvantages, which can dampen the motivation of the investor regarding the accrual of returns.

    The presence of an up front cost to take a position in the strategy is just one of them.

    As against a simple strategy where the investor purchases only put options, some other strategies can impose a limit on the maximum profit that accrues to the investor.

    Often, the investor may have to adjust his potential to make a profit with the underlying risk associated with the strategy.

    Every strategy has a unique outlook on making profits for the investor. This is why it can often be slightly cumbersome of them to select which one would suit their purpose the best.

    Often, more complex strategies may not even be useful for intermediates or beginners. The multiple contracts can even impose a higher liability in terms of commission for the investors.

    Yet, for experienced investors, these strategies are still beneficial to make the expected returns. In spite of these limitations, there are far more advantages to the strategies which can be of immense benefit to the investor.

    The specifics of each strategy invite crucial decision making from the investor and an in depth study of the market behavior.

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    Common Bearish Option Trading Strategies for investors

    Here is a list of the most common options strategies for investors who reserve a bearish outlook towards the market. Let us get started.

    Long put

    Only one transaction is used in this strategy, which involves buying put options. Owing to its simplicity, even beginners can explore the strategy.

    The strategy leads to the creation of a debit spread at the beginning of the strategy.

    Short Call

    The strategy involves selling call options which create a credit spread at the inception of the strategy.

    Also known by the name of selling call options, uncovered call write and naked call. Due to the nature of the strategy, it is not ideal for beginners.

    Bear put spread

    This bearish strategy is even ideal for beginners. It involves entering into two different transactions such as buying put options and writing put options.

    As a result of this strategy, a debit spread forms at the inception of the strategy.

    Bear Call spread

    This bearish options strategy is not considered suitable for beginners. It makes use of two separate transactions such as writing call options and buying call options.

    The trader receives an up front payment to execute this strategy since it creates a credit spread.

    Bear Ratio Spread

    This bearish strategy is not suitable for beginners. The trader ideally buys put options and write put options to execute this strategy.

    It can rightfully create either of debit or credit spread. This strategy is also known as the ratio bear spread or ratio out the spread.

    Short Bear Ratio spread

    The nature of this strategy is such that it becomes unsuitable for beginners. It involves a total of two transactions like buying put options and writing put options.

    There is only some up front cost that the investor has to bear as a result of this strategy.

    Bear Butterfly Spread

    This bearish strategy makes use of three separate strategies to work for the investor. Thus, it includes buying puts, writing puts and buying puts at another strike price.

    Usually, it leads to the creation of a debit spread.

    Bear Put Ladder Spread

    This bearish strategy involves entering into three different transactions but is not suitable for beginners. It is also known by the name of Long put ladder spread.

    Bearish Market Option Trading Strategies – Conclusion

    This article is for the readers, who have a bearish outlook of the market, and wish to deploy likewise strategies.

    Assisting strategies and using them as per the expertise level is always recommended, in order to fetch maximum returns.

    To give you a kick start, we have provided the most common Bearish Options Trading Strategies.

    You can see the short description of all the strategies and understand the suitability and take likewise measures to deploy the same.

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