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Roni Households Limited trades in plastic granules and plastic household products which includes tub, buckets, ghamela etc. They intend to further expand their business by manufacturing plastic products for household use. Roni Households IPO comprises Offer of Public Issue of up to 15,00,000 Equity Shares for cash at price of Rs. 20 per share including a premium of Rs. 10 aggregating to Rs. 300 lakhs.

Let’s have a detailed review of the company and analytics of the Roni Households IPO release date, IPO offer price, subscription, Roni Households IPO allotment, grey market price and other details like the company’s background, its financial positions, its promoters and other related things.

Roni Households IPO Review & Ratings

IPO Ratings & Review
Criteria Ratings
Industry Sentiments 8.5/10
Industry Ranking 7.8/10
Company Background 7.9/10
Company Reputation 7.9/10
Competitive Edge 7.7/10
Financial Statements 7.8/10
Popularity Index 8.4/10
Promoters Reputation 7.7/10
Retail Appetite 7.9/10
Top Brokers Review 7.9/10
Overall Ratings 8.1/10
Star Ratings ★★★★☆

Summary of Roni Households IPO

Roni Households IPORoni Households Limited trades in plastic granules and plastic household products which includes tub, buckets, ghamela etc. They intend to further expand the business by manufacturing plastic products for household use. Public Issue of up to 15,00,000 Equity Shares for cash at price of Rs. 20 per share including a premium of Rs. 10 aggregating to Rs. 300 lakhs. The Issue will constitute 34.59% of the post-Issue paid-up Equity Share capital of the Company.

From FY 2013-14 to FY 2016-2017, as per the Restated Financial Statements,

  • The revenues as on Aug 31, 2018 being 73.87 lakhs and as on March 31,2018 it was 429.70 lakhs.
  • The Net Worth of the Company (net of revaluation reserves) is Rs. 403.01 lakhs and the book value of each Equity Share was Rs. 14.21 as of August 31, 2018 as per the Restated Standalone Financial Statements.
  • Since the company was recently incorporated they have not completed a full financial year, however they have reported a robust operating performance for 6 months period ended March 31,2018 wherein the sales, The Net Profit after tax for the above – mentioned periods were Rs. 429.70 lakhs, Rs. 10.58 lakhs and Rs. 7.80 lakhs respectively.

The Promoters of this company are Mr. Harish Sirwani and Mrs. Nidhi Sirwani. The lead manager to the issue is Aryaman Financial Services Private Limited and the Registrar to this issue is Bigshare Services Private Limited.

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    Roni Households IPO Date

    The opening and the closing date of Roni Households Limited IPO is Nov 19, 2018 – Nov 22, 2018.

    Roni Households IPO Subscription

    Day / Date QIB NII RII Total Subscription
    Day 1 – Nov 19, 2018 0.47x 0.27x 0.37x
    Day 2 – Nov 20, 2018 0.47x 0.32x 0.39x
    Day 3 – Nov 21, 2018 0.47x 0.32x 0.39x
    Day 4 – Nov 22, 2018 0.48x 1.76x 1.12x
    Shares Offered or Net Issue 708,000 708,000 1,416,000

    The shares subscribed by the public is updated.

    Roni Households IPO Allotment Status

    Here, you can find the Allotment Status of this IPO.

    Roni Households IPO Price Band

    The face value of each share is Rs 10, but the price band of the IPO is not yet disclosed. 

    Roni Households IPO Equity Share Offering

    Public Issue of up to 15,00,000 Equity Shares for cash at price of Rs. 20 per share including a premium of Rs. 10 aggregating to Rs. 300 lakhs.

    Roni Households Limited – Company Overview

    Roni Households Limited was originally being run as a proprietorship named Roni Enterprises. Further, the company is incorporated on 9th October 2017, as a private limited company under the name ‘Roni Household Private Limited’ under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. On March 01, 2018, the Company was converted into public limited company and the name of their company changed to ‘Roni Household Limited’

    Roni Households Limited trades in plastic granules and plastic household products which includes tub, buckets, ghamela etc. They intend to further expand the business by manufacturing plastic products for household use. They have taken a land on lease in MIDC Jalgaon for the proposed manufacturing unit.

    This Company plans to leverage its promoter networks in the Trading community of Jalgaon and strong balance sheet situation to increase its presence in the plastic products. The Company is in the process of building a quality and innovation focused trading and manufacturing vertical as well as developing a strong team to cater to its proposed increased operational needs.

    The Company is promoted by Mr. Harish Sirwani and Mrs. Nidhi Sirwani and is the guiding force behind the growth and strategic decisions of the Company.

    Competitive Strengths of Roni Households Limited:

    • Strong Balance Sheet and Financial Condition
    • Favorable Government Schemes
    • Existing Supplier Relationship through the Promoter – Mr. Harish Sirwani
    • Experienced Promoters and a good employee base.
    • Existing Client Base through the Promoter

    Business strategies of Roni Households Limited:

    • Organic Growth Strategy
    • Improving Debt – Equity Ratio
    • Competitive Pricing
    • Continue to develop client relationships and trust
    • To build-up a professional organization

    Roni Households Limited – Financial Statements

    A quick look into the past financial performance of the company to understand its performance of business and evaluate the growth prospectus:

    Financial Summary:

    Amount (in INR & Lakhs)
    31-Aug-18 31-Mar-18
    Total Assets 557.90 348.04
    Total Revenue 73.87 429.70
    Total Expense 71.70 419.20
    Profit After Tax 1.62 7.80

    Earnings per Equity Share (in Lakhs)

    31-Mar-18 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-16
    Basic & Diluted 0.89

    From the above statements, one could find that the Roni Households Limited may perform well.

    Roni Households IPO – Promoters

    The Promoters of this company are:

    • Mr. Harish Sirwani
    • Mrs. Nidhi Sirwani

    List of Related Parties (Key Managerial Personnel)

    • Mr. Harish Sirwani, Managing Director
    • Mrs. Nidhi Sirwani, Chief Financial Officer
    • Mr. Mehul Shah, Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
    • Mr. Mujahid Sayyed, Marketing Head
    • Mr. Yuvraj Patil, Admin Head
    • Mr. Pravin Patil, Operation Head

    Interest in promotion of the Company

    Company is currently promoted by the Promoters in order to carry on its present business. Promoters are interested in the Company to the extent of their shareholding and directorship of the Individual Promoter in the Company and the dividend declared, if any, by the Company. The Promoters are interested in the transactions entered into the Company and the Promoter Group.

    Property Interest

    The promoters along with the promoter group will continue to hold collectively some percentage of the equity share capital of the company. As a result of the same, they will be able to exercise significant influence over the control of the outcome of the matter that requires approval of the majority shareholders vote.

    Interest in Intellectual Rights of the Company

    Promoters has not shown any interest in acquiring the intellectual rights of the company.

    Roni Households IPO Offer Details or Issue Details

     Particulars  No. Of Equity Shares
    Equity Shares Issued: Public  Issue  of  Equity  Shares  by  the Company  Upto 15,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each for cash at a price of Rs. 20 per share aggregating Rs. 300 lakhs
    of which
    Issue  Reserved  for  the  Market
    Upto 84,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each for cash at a price of Rs. 20 per share aggregating Rs. 16.8 lakhs
    Net Issue to the Public* Upto 14,16,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each for cash at a price of Rs. 20 per share aggregating Rs. 283.2 lakhs
    Of which
    Upto 7,08,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each at a price, will be available for allocation for Investors of up to Rs. 2.00 lakhs
    Upto 7,08,000 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each at a price of Rs. [●] per Equity Share will be available for allocation for Investors of above Rs. 2.00 lakhs
    Equity  Shares  outstanding  prior  to
    the Issue 
    28,35,946 Equity Shares of face value of Rs.10/- each 
    Equity  Shares  outstanding  after  the
    43,35,946 Equity Shares of face value of  Rs.10/- each 

    Roni Households IPO Issue Object

    These are the IPO Issue Objects of the company

    • Funding the Working Capital requirements of the Company:
    •  Repayment/ pre-payment of certain unsecured loans availed from banks and financial institutions by the company; and
    •  General Corporate Purposes


    Roni Households IPO – Basis of the Offer Price

    The issue price is determined by the company in consultation with the Lead manager on the basis of the following qualitative and quantitative factors.

    Qualitative factors are:

    • Strong Balance Sheet and Financial Condition
    • Favourable Government Schemes
    • Existing Supplier Relationship through the Promoter – Mr. Harish Sirwani
    • Experienced Promoters and a good employee base.
    • Existing Client Base through the Promoter

    The relevant quantitative factors are:

    Basic & Diluted EPS RONW (%) NAV (Rs.)
    31-Mar-18 0.89 13.26 11.53
    • Industry P/E Ratio:
    Particulars P/E ratio
    Highest 81.7
    Lowest 12.1
    Average 28.1
    • Competitive Peers:

    They believe that there is no other listed company which is specifically comparable to them w.r.t. their business model and size.


    Roni Households IPO Lead Managers

    Lead Managers
    60, Khatau Building, Ground Floor
    Alkesh Dinesh Modi Marg
    Fort, Mumbai – 400 001
    Tel No.: +91 22 6216 6999
    Fax No.: +91 22 2263 0434
    Email: ipo@afsl.co.in
    Website: www.afsl.co.in
    Investor Grievance Email: feedback@afsl.co.in
    Contact Person: Mrs. Jyothi Shetty
    SEBI Registration No. INM000011344

    Roni Households IPO Registrar to offer

    Registrar to the Offer
    1st Floor, Bharat Tin Works Building
    Opp. Vasant Oasis, Makwana Road
    Marol, Andheri East, Mumbai – 400 059
    Tel No.: +91 22 6263 8200
    Fax No.: +91 22 6263 8299
    Email: ipo@bigshareonline.com
    Website: www.bigshareonline.com
    Investor Grievance Email: investor@bigshareonline.com;
    Contact Person: Mr. Srinivas Dornala
    SEBI Registration No.: INR000001385

    Other Details:

    • Statutory Auditor – M/s. Raju & Prasad, Chartered Accountants.
    • Peer Review Auditor – M/s. Raju & Prasad, Chartered Accountants
    • Bankers to the Company – [●]

    Roni Households IPO Review by Top 10 Stock Brokers

    Top Stock Brokers Review Company Reputation Competitive Edge Financial Statement Popularity Index Promoters Reputation
    Angel Broking 7.5/10 7.4/10 8.5/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    Sharekhan 7.2/10 7.1/10 8.6/10 8.1/10 7.2/10
    Kotak Securities 7.3/10 7.5/10 8.4/10 8.1/10 7.3/10
    ICICI Direct 7.3/10 7.3/10 8.7/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    IIFL 7.5/10 7.2/10 8.8/10 8.0/10 7.1/10
    Edelweiss 7.5/10 7.4/10 8.4/10 8.3/10 7.2/10
    Zerodha 7.4/10 7.1/10 8.5/10 8.1/10 7.0/10
    5Paisa 7.1/10 7.1/10 8.4/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    Karvy 7.4/10 7.3/10 8.2/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    Motilal Oswal 7.1/10 7.1/10 8.6/10 8.3/10 7.2/10

    Roni Households IPO Grey Market Premium

    The Roni Households IPO Grey Market Premium price is Rs X, the Kostak rate is Rs X and the Subject to Sauda is X. 

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      Roni Households IPO News

      News 1 – IPO ISSUE OPENS SOON (Download Prospectus)

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