Home  »  Ipo Review  »  Aa Plus Tradelink Ipo

Let’s have a detailed review of the company and analytics of the AA Plus Tradelink IPO release date, IPO offer price, subscription, AA Plus Tradelink Limited IPO allotment, grey market price, and other details like the company’s background, its financial positions, its promoters, and other related things.

Face Value Rs 10
Cash Price  Rs 18
Listing At BSE SME
Min. Order Quantity 8000 Shares
Listing Date  Jul 21, 2021
Offer for Sale Rs Lakhs
Net Issue Rs 613.44 Lakhs
IPO Size Rs 648 Lakhs
Tick Size NA

AA Plus Tradelink IPO is listed at Rs.8 premium. Check out the live share price by clicking on the below link.

AA Plus Tradelink Share Price – Live Performance

AA Plus Tradelink IPO – Summary

AA Plus Tradelink IPO

They are currently engaged in the business of trading products made of iron & steel, aluminum, graphite, and other alloy products. They are a multi-product trading company with a diverse product portfolio.

The company is also in the business of supplying Epoxy Floor Coating, Industrial Epoxy Floor Coating, Epoxy Floor Coating Marine, PU Floor Coating, Epoxy Coating, Epoxy Primer, Epoxy High Build Coating, Epoxy Heat Resistance Coating.

The Promoters of this company are ASHOK A. SHAH AND RAJKUMAR M. SINGH. The lead manager to the issue is INVENTURE MERCHANT BANKER SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED, and the Registrar to this issue is PURVA SHAREGISTRY (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED.

AA Plus Tradelink IPO Date

The opening and the closing date of IPO of AA Plus Tradelink Limited Jul 8, 2021, and Jul 13, 2021.

AA Plus Tradelink IPO Subscription

Day / Date NII RII Total Subscription
1st Day – 8 July 0.02x 0.52x 0.27x
2nd Day – 9 July  0.03x 1.18x 0.61x
3rd Day – 10 July 0.03x 1.18x 0.61x
4th Day – 11 July 0.03x 1.18x 0.61x
5th Day – 12 July 0.32x 2.61x 1.46x
6th Day – 13 July 0.32x 2.61x 1.46x
Shares Offered or Net Issue 1,704,000 1,704,000 3,408,000

The shares subscribed by the public will be updated here.

AA Plus Tradelink IPO Allotment Status

Here, you can find the Allotment Status of this IPO.

Allotment of Equity Shares pursuant to the Fresh Issue and transfer of the Offered Shares of the Promoter Selling Shareholders pursuant to the Offer for Sale to the successful Bidders. However, the Allotment Status is not yet disclosed.

AA Plus Tradelink IPO Listing Date

Find the dates below on basis of allotment, refund, listing, and more:

Basis of Allotment Finalization Jul 16, 2021
Refunds Initiation Jul 19, 2021
Credit of Shares to Demat Account Jul 19, 2021
Share Listing Date Jul 21, 2021

AA Plus Tradelink IPO Cash Price

The face value of each share is Rs.10, but the cash price of the IPO is Rs.18

AA Plus Tradelink IPO Equity Size

This Initial Public Issue of 36,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each for cash at a price of Rs.18 per equity share aggregating to Rs.648.00 lakhs.

AA Plus Tradelink IPO Share Offering

Net Issue: 34,08,000 Equity Shares by their Company, aggregating to Rs.613.44 lakhs,

Issue Size: 36,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10 each, aggregating to Rs.648 lakhs

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    AA Plus Tradelink IPO – Live Performance

    The listing date of this IPO is Jul 21, 2021. You can check the live performance of the IPO here, only after it is listed on exchanges.

    Live IPO Performance – AA Plus Tradelink Share Price

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO Grey Market Premium

    The AA Plus Tradelink Limited IPO Grey Market Premium price is Rs X, the Kostak rate is Rs X and the Subject to Sauda is X. 

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO – Company Overview

    They are currently engaged in the business of trading products made of iron & steel, aluminum, graphite, and other alloy products. They are a multi-product trading company with a diverse product portfolio.

    The company is also in the business of supplying Epoxy Floor Coating, Industrial Epoxy Floor Coating, Epoxy Floor Coating Marine, PU Floor Coating, Epoxy Coating, Epoxy Primer, Epoxy High Build Coating, Epoxy Heat Resistance Coating.

    They are currently serving corporate and other clients from the construction and manufacturing industry. Further, they intend to take the contracts from builders for the end-to-end supply and fitting of aluminum windows along with the glass.

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO Product Portfolio

    Their portfolio of products currently being traded by their Company includes the following:

    1. Aluminium Bars, Rods & Profiles
    2. Aluminium Powder
    3. Aluminium Scrap
    4. Ammonium Molybdenum
    5. G I Pipe
    6. Graphite Flakes and Circle
    7. Graphite Powder
    8. Graphite Rods, Blocks, and Plates
    9. Graphite Scrap
    10. Graphite Square and Round
    11. M S Pipe
    12. M S Sheet
    13. Matrix Powder
    14. Nickel Powder
    15. Tungsten
    16. Zirconium Alloy

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO – Financial Statements

    A quick look into the past financial performance of the company to understand its performance of the business and evaluate the growth prospectus:

    Financial Summary:

    Amount (in INR & lakhs)
    31-Mar-20 Mar-19 31-Mar-18
    Total Assets 1,020.24 964.00 1,159.24
    Total Revenue 1,731.76 519.82 2,204.01
    Total Expense 1,708.92 497.42 2,193.64
    Profit After Tax 14.21 10.15 5.58

    Earnings per Equity Share (in lakhs)

    31-Mar-20 Mar-19 31-Mar-18
    Basic & Diluted 0.31 0.48 0.27

    PAT increased from Rs.10.15 lakhs for FY 2019 to Rs.14.21 lakhs in FY 2020. This increase was mainly on account of the decrease in interest cost and other reasons as detailed above. During FY 2020, their Company recorded a PAT margin of 0.82% against 1.95% for FY 2019.

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO – Promoters

    The Promoters of this company are:

    1. ASHOK A. SHAH

    List of Related Parties (Key Managerial Personnel)

    • Devjeet Chakraborty, Chief Financial Officer
    • CS Mansi K. Shah, Company Secretary, and Compliance Officer

    Competitive Strengths of AA Plus Tradelink Limited

    • Bouquet of metal and alloy products
    • Quality

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO Offer Details or Issue Details

     Particulars  No. Of Equity Shares
     Equity Shares Offered  36,00,000 Equity Shares aggregating up to Rs.648 lakhs
    of which:
    Market Maker Reservation Portion 1,92,000 Equity Shares aggregating up to Rs.34.56
     Net Issue to the Public 34,08,000 Equity Shares aggregating up to Rs.613.44
     Of which:
    17,04,000 Equity Shares aggregating Rs.306.72 lakhs available for allocation to Retail Individual
    17,04,000 Equity Shares aggregating Rs.306.72 lakhs available for allocation to Retail Individual
     Equity Shares outstanding prior to the Issue 45,64,800 Equity Shares
     Equity Shares outstanding after the Issue 81,64,800 Equity Shares

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO Issue Object

    Their Company proposes to utilize the Net Proceeds towards funding the following objects:

    1. Augmenting additional working capital requirements
    2. General Corporate Purposes

    Business strategies of AA Plus Tradelink Limited

    • Increase the number of Client Relationships
    • Venturing into Contracting Business for Aluminium Products
    • Competitive Pricing
    • Increasing their Product Portfolio

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO – Basis of the Offer Price

    The issue price is determined by the company in consultation with the Lead manager on the basis of the following qualitative and quantitative factors.

    Qualitative factors are:

    • Bouquet of metal and alloy products
    • Quality

    The relevant quantitative factors are:

    Basic & Diluted EPS RONW (%) NAV (Rs.)
    31-Mar-20 0.31 2.39
    31-Mar-19 0.48 1.75
    31-Mar-18 0.27 1.06 13.00

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO: Competitive Peers

    Face Value (Rs.) P/E EPS  (Rs.) Return on Net Worth (%) NAV per share (Rs.)
    AA Plus Tradelink Limited*** 10 57.84 0.31 2.39 13.00
    Listed Peers
    Century Extrusions Limited 1 164.71 0.02 7.33 6.31
    Sacheta Metals Limited 10 27.43 0.61 4.09 16.52
    Sharda Ispat Limited 10 8.27 4.11 15.89 44.50

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO Lead Managers

    Lead Managers
    2nd Floor, Viraj Tower, Nr. Andheri Flyover (North End),
    Western Express Highway, Andheri (East) Mumbai – 400 069, Maharashtra
    Tel No: +91 22 4075 1500
    Fax No: +91 22 4075 1511
    Email: sme.ipo@inventuremerchantbanker.com
    Investor Grievance Email: redressal@inventuremerchantbanker.com
    Website: www.inventuremerchantbanker.com
    SEBI Registration No: INM000012003
    Contact Person: Sabya Sarkar

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO Registrar to offer

    Registrar to the Offer
    9, Shiv Shakti Industrial Estate, J. R. Boricha Marg,
    Opp. Kasturba Hospital Lane,
    Lower Parel (E), Mumbai – 400011, Maharashtra
    Tel No.: +91 22 2301 2518 / 8261
    Email: support@purvashare.com
    Investor Grievance Email: support@purvashare.com
    Website: www.purvashare.com
    SEBI Registration No: INR000001112
    Contact Person: Deepali Dhuri, Compliance Officer

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO – Other Details

    • Statutory Auditor – M/s. A. Puri & Co.
    • Legal Counsel to the Company – DRC Legal & Associates
    • Bankers to the Company –  UCO Bank

    AA Plus Tradelink IPO Review by Top 10 Stock Brokers

    Top Stock Brokers Review Company Reputation Competitive Edge Financial Statement Popularity Index Promoters Reputation
    Angel Broking 7.5/10 7.4/10 8.5/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    Sharekhan 7.2/10 7.1/10 8.6/10 8.1/10 7.2/10
    Kotak Securities 7.3/10 7.5/10 8.4/10 8.1/10 7.3/10
    ICICI Direct 7.3/10 7.3/10 8.7/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    IIFL 7.5/10 7.2/10 8.8/10 8.0/10 7.1/10
    Edelweiss 7.5/10 7.4/10 8.4/10 8.3/10 7.2/10
    Zerodha 7.4/10 7.1/10 8.5/10 8.1/10 7.0/10
    5Paisa 7.1/10 7.1/10 8.4/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    Karvy 7.4/10 7.3/10 8.2/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    Motilal Oswal 7.1/10 7.1/10 8.6/10 8.3/10 7.2/10


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