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Let’s have a detailed review of the company and analytics of the Anand Rathi Wealth IPO release date, IPO offer price, subscription, Anand Rathi Wealth Limited IPO allotment, grey market price, and other details like the company’s background, its financial positions, its promoters, and other related things.

Face Value Rs 5
Price Band Rs 530 to Rs 550
Listing At BSE, NSE
Min. Order Quantity 27 Shares
Listing Date Dec 14, 2021
Offer for Sale Rs 6600 Million
Fresh Issue Rs Million
IPO Size Rs 6600 Million
Tick Size 1

Anand Rathi Wealth IPO is listed at a [●] premium. Check out the live share price by clicking on the below link.

Anand Rathi Wealth IPO – Summary

Anand Rathi Wealth IPOAnand Rathi belongs to the fraternity of full service, financial services rending firm. They are into financial and investment services, looking out for the financial needs of investors.

They have a hub of financial services offering, alongside the majority of financial instruments and products. This stockbroking firm has expanded beyond the horizon of this nation, covering 1200 locations including Dubai. Anand Rathi has multiple branches, sub-brokers, remixers, and representative offices or associate companies.

The Promoter of this company is MR. ANAND RATHI, MR. PRADEEP GUPTA AND ANAND RATHI FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED. The lead manager to the issue is Equirus Capital Private Limited, BNP Paribas, IIFL Securities Limited, and Anand Rathi Advisors Limited, and the Registrar to this issue is Link Intime India Private Limited.

Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Date

The opening and the closing date of the IPO of Anand Rathi Wealth Limited are Dec 2, 2021, and Dec 6, 2021, respectively.

Check out Related IPO Links:

Anand Rathi Wealth GMP
Allotment for Anand Rathi Wealth IPO

Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Subscription

Day / Date QIB NII RII Emp Total Subscription
1st Day – 2nd Dec 0.01x 1.93x 2.45x 0.42x 1.60x
2nd Day – 3rd Dec 0.17x 3.06x 4.77x 0.66x 3.02x
3rd Day – 6th Dec 2.50x 25.42x 7.76x 1.32x 9.78x
Shares Offered or Net Issue 2,350,000 1,762,500 4,112,500 250,000 8,475,000

The shares subscribed by the public will be updated here.

Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Allotment Status

Here, you can find the Allotment Status of this IPO.

Allotment of Equity Shares pursuant to the Fresh Issue and transfer of the Offered Shares of the Promoter Selling Shareholders pursuant to the Offer for Sale to the successful Bidders. However, the Allotment Status is not yet disclosed.

Anand Rathi Wealth Limited IPO Listing Date

Find the dates below on basis of allotment, refund, listing, and more:

Basis of Allotment Finalization Dec 9, 2021
Refunds Initiation Dec 10, 2021
Credit of Shares to Demat Account Dec 13, 2021
Share Listing Date Dec 14, 2021

Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Price Band

The face value of each share is Rs.5, but the price band of the IPO is Rs 530 to Rs 550 

Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Equity Size

This Initial Public Issue of 12,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs.5 each for cash at a price of Rs 530 to Rs 550 per equity share aggregating to Rs.6600 Million.

Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Share Offering

Fresh Issue: The Issue (excluding the Market Maker Reservation Portion) of [●] Equity Shares of Rs.5/ each.

Issue Size: 12,000,000 Equity Shares of Rs.5 each, aggregating to Rs.6600 Million

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    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO – Live Performance

    The listing date of this IPO is Dec 14, 2021. You can check the live performance of the IPO here, only after it is listed on exchanges.

    Live IPO Performance – Anand Rathi Wealth Share Price

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Grey Market Premium

    The Anand Rathi Wealth Limited IPO Grey Market Premium price is Rs 50, the Kostak rate is Rs NA and the Subject to Sauda is Rs NA. 

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO – Company Overview

    They are one of the leading non-bank wealth solutions firms in India and have been ranked amongst the top three non-bank mutual fund distributors in India by gross commission earned in Fiscal 2020.

    They serve a wide spectrum of clients through a mix of wealth solutions, financial product distribution, and technology solutions. Also, they provide services primarily through their flagship Private Wealth (“PW”) vertical where they manage ₹ 260.58 billion in AuM as of March 31, 2021. Their AuM is a sum of (i) all third-party assets that generate commissions or incomes

    Founded by Mr. Anand Rathi, this firm has an entire gamut of financial services offerings. Their product line up ensures to fulfill all the needs of every kind of investor.

    Their service offering includes wealth management, investment banking, corporate finance & advisory, brokerage, and distribution. The financial products they deal in, i.e. the securities are equities, commodities, mutual funds, structured products, insurance, corporate deposit, bonds, and loans to institutions, corporations, high net worth individuals, and more.

    Anand Rathi is a successful and huge company, which is an employment source for 2,500 professionals. They have massively expanded and provide efficient financial services.

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO – Financial Statements

    A quick look into the past financial performance of the company to understand its performance of the business and evaluate the growth prospectus:

    Financial Summary:

    Amount (in INR & Million)
    31-Aug-21 31-Mar-21 Mar-20 31-Mar-19
    Total Assets 4,023.24 3,394.42 4,090.64 2,308.27
    *Total Revenue 1,689.03 2,792.48 3,364.14 2,841.87
    Total Expense 1,005.62 2,156.49 2,494.53 2,010.88
    Profit After Tax 510.88 451.10 616.14 584.33

    Earnings per Equity Share (in Million)

    31-Aug-21 31-Mar-21 Mar-20 31-Mar-19
    Basic  12.30 10.9 15.15 14.67
    Diluted 12.25 10.85 14.95 14.40


    Further, their PAT for the period ended on March 31, 2021, March 31, 2020, and March 31, 2019, were Rs. 451.10 Million, Rs. 616.14 Million, and Rs. 584.33 Million respectively.

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO – Promoters

    The Promoter of this company is:


    List of Related Parties (Key Managerial Personnel)

    • Anand Rathi, Chairman, and Non-Executive Director
    • Pradeep Gupta, Non-Executive Director
    • Amit Rathi, Non-Executive Director
    • Rakesh Rawal, Executive Director, and Chief Executive Officer
    • Mohan Tanksale, Independent Director
    • Ramesh Chandak, Independent Director
    • Kishan Gopal Somani, Independent Director
    • Sudha Navandar, Independent Director

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO – Promoters Holding

    • Pre Issue Share Holding – %
    • Pos Issue Share Holding – %

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Offer Details or Issue Details

     Particulars  No. Of Equity Shares
     Equity Shares Offered  Up to 12,000,000 Equity Shares aggregating up to Rs.6600 Million
    of which:
    Issue Reserved for the Market Makers Up to [●] Equity Shares aggregating up to Rs.[●]
    Net Issue to the Public Up to [●] Equity Shares aggregating up to Rs.[●]
    Of which:
    Retail Investors Portion Not less than [●] Equity Shares
    Other than Retail Individual Investors Not more than [●] Equity Shares
     Equity Shares outstanding prior to the Issue 41,616,227 Equity Shares
     Equity Shares outstanding after the Issue 41,616,227 Equity Shares

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Issue Object

    Their Company proposes to utilize the Net Proceeds towards funding the following objects:

    1. To achieve the benefits of listing the Equity Shares on the Stock Exchanges
    2. For the sale of up to 12,000,000 Equity Shares aggregating up to ₹ [●] million by the Selling Shareholders

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO – Business Strategy

    • Increasing RM count with a focus on higher vintage RMs
    • Focus on scaling their business by capitalizing on current market opportunities and through geographic expansion
    • Brand-building efforts with an increased digital focus

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO – Basis of Offer Price

    The issue price is determined by the company in consultation with the Lead manager on the basis of the following qualitative and quantitative factors.

    Qualitative factors are:

    • Focus on the underserved and less price-sensitive HNI segment;
    • Uncomplicated, holistic, and standardized solutions offered to clients based on an objective-driven approach;
    • Top tier non-bank mutual fund distributor in India coupled with presence in structured products;
    • Focus on value-added services i.e., safety net and estate planning services;
    • The unique approach to attracting and retaining talent through an entrepreneurial work culture; and
    • The unique approach to the marketing initiatives.

    The relevant quantitative factors are:

    Basic EPS Diluted EPS
    RONW (%) NAV (Rs.)
    31-Mar-21 10.98 10.85 18.68 58.46
    31-Mar-20 15.15 14.95 33.09
    Mar-19 14.67 14.40 47.77

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO: Competitive Peers

    Face Value (Rs.) P/E EPS Basic  (Rs.) EPS Diluted  (Rs.)
    Return on Net Worth (%) Total Income (Rs. in Millions)
    Anand Rathi Wealth Limited 5 [●] 10.98 10.85 18.68 2,792.48
    Listed Peers
    IIFL Wealth Management Ltd 2 33.26 42.24 41.76 13.06 16,590.20

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Lead Managers

    Lead Managers

    Equirus Capital Private Limited

    BNP Paribas

    IIFL Securities Limited

    Anand Rathi Advisors Limited

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Registrar to offer

    Registrar to the Offer
    Link Intime India Private Limited
    C-101, 1st Floor, 247 Park,
    Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg,
    Vikhroli (West),
    Mumbai 400 083, Maharashtra, India
    Telephone: +91 22 4918 6000
    E-mail: anandrathi.ipo@linkintime.co.in
    Website: www.linkintime.co.in
    Investor grievance e-mail:
    Contact person: Ms. Shanti Gopalkrishnan
    SEBI Registration No.: INR000004058

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO – Other Details

    • Statutory Auditor – Khimji Kunverji & Co. LLP, Chartered Accountants
    • Legal Counsel to the Company – NA
    • Bankers to the Company –  NA

    Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Review by Stock Brokers

    Top Stock Brokers Review Company Reputation Competitive Edge Financial Statement Popularity Index Promoters Reputation
    Angel Broking 7.5/10 7.4/10 8.5/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    Sharekhan 7.2/10 7.1/10 8.6/10 8.1/10 7.2/10
    Kotak Securities 7.3/10 7.5/10 8.4/10 8.1/10 7.3/10
    ICICI Direct 7.3/10 7.3/10 8.7/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    IIFL 7.5/10 7.2/10 8.8/10 8.0/10 7.1/10
    Edelweiss 7.5/10 7.4/10 8.4/10 8.3/10 7.2/10
    Zerodha 7.4/10 7.1/10 8.5/10 8.1/10 7.0/10
    5Paisa 7.1/10 7.1/10 8.4/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    Karvy 7.4/10 7.3/10 8.2/10 8.1/10 7.1/10
    Motilal Oswal 7.1/10 7.1/10 8.6/10 8.3/10 7.2/10


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      Anand Rathi Wealth Limited IPO News

      News 1 – Anand Rathi Wealth Limited IPO DRHP Download

      News 2 – Anand Rathi Wealth IPO RHP Download

      Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Review FAQs

      Ques – What is the Issue Size of Anand Rathi Wealth IPO?

      Answer – The Company is making an initial public offer of 12,000,000 equity shares. They vividly portray the aspects of the issue in this article. You can check the stats on the fresh issue, Offer for sale, and net issue.

      Ques – What is the Price band of Anand Rathi Wealth IPO?

      Answer – The price band for this particular IPO, i.e. Anand Rathi Wealth IPO ranges between Rs 530 to Rs 550. As far as the face value of the share is of concern, it is Rs.5 per share.

      Ques – What is the Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Open Date?

      Answer – The opening and closing date for Anand Rathi Wealth IPO have been updated. The IPO is set to open on Dec 2, 2021, while the closing date is set at Dec 6, 2021.

      Ques – What is the Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Allotment Date?

      Answer – They also have the news regarding the respective allotment dates of Anand Rathi Wealth IPO. Basis of Allotment finalization is on Dec 9, 2021, refund initiation is on Dec 10, 2021, credit of shares is on Dec 13, 2021, and share listing date is on Dec 14, 2021.

      Ques – What is the Anand Rathi Wealth IPO Listing Date?

      Answer – Shares of Anand Rathi Wealth shall be listed in the exchanges on Dec 14, 2021. The date, when the listing would be done, is stagnant on Dec 14, 2021.

      Ques – Who is the Registrar of Anand Rathi Wealth IPO?

      Answer – One of the reputed registrars is managing the issue of Anand Rathi Wealth IPO, i.e. Link Intime India Private Limited. Their website will help you regarding the further information you are on the lookout for.

      Ques – Who is the Promoter of Anand Rathi Wealth IPO?

      Answer – Here are the promoters of Anand Rathi Wealth – MR. ANAND RATHI, MR. PRADEEP GUPTA AND ANAND RATHI FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED. You can refer to the RHP for further information on the promoter. You will find the link to RHP in the article.

      Ques – What is the GMP of Anand Rathi Wealth IPO?

      Answer – They have obtained the GMP of Anand Rathi Wealth IPO and it is Rs 50. Further insights of Kostak rate and subject to sauda or SS are as well included in this report.

      Ques – Is Anand Rathi Wealth IPO good for Investment?

      Answer – They have further provided the financial status of the company in this article, from the past few years. You can refer to the same, and also check the line of operations they are into and then decide to invest in the IPO.

      Ques – What is the PAT of Anand Rathi Wealth Company?

      Answer – They have the information of company financials, and according to that, they have the figures from the last few years to provide. PAT for the financial year 2021 in Million is 451.10, 2020 is 616.14, 2019 is 584.33. 

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