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Last Updated Date - Oct 14, 2022

RK Global Brokerage Calculator

RK Global Brokerage CalculatorThis RK Global Brokerage Calculator will help you to find out the actual brokerage charges of RK Global.

You can calculate brokerage for all asset classes like Equity Intraday, Equity Delivery, Equity Futures, Equity Options, Currency Futures, Currency Options & Commodity.

Along with Brokerage charges, it will also give you detailed understanding of other charges like transaction charges, STT, Stamp Duty for each State, SEBI turnover charges, GST & Transaction Charges. Just provide your Buy & Sell details & you are all done.

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Total Turnover (Rs.) -
Brokerage (Rs.) -
STT (Rs.) -
SEBI Turnover Fees (Rs.) -
Stamp Duty (Rs.) -
Transaction Charges (Rs.) -
GST (Rs.) -
Total Brokerage & Tax (Rs.) -
Total Profit Or Loss (Rs.) -

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    Incorporated in the year 1999, RK Global is a renowned stock trading company, which is based in New Delhi. For years, they are offering top-notch services for various categories of investment. The brokerage fee is something worth mentioning as well as the RK Global Brokerage Calculator.

    It is a sturdy tool that assists the clients to calculate the brokerage fees they charge from their clients quickly. So, in this article, we will discuss the various trading services the company is offering and the amount they charge as brokerages.

    Moreover, we will discuss the impact it can cause to the clients while trading. Of course, we will talk about the RK Global Calculator in details for each service they provide.

    RK Global Delivery Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Delivery Rs.9 per trade

    Let us begin the discussion with the apparent service first – Equity Delivery. You got to provide a decent Delivery service to even qualify for a reputed stock trading company.

    RK Global understands this and doesn’t shy about offering the best they can. There are many prime example the supports this argument if stated. Our contribution is the initiation of the RK Global Delivery Brokerage Calculator.

    This tool delivers prompt service when it comes to calculating the exact brokerage amount that their clients must pay. By the way, the brokerage fee for the Equity Delivery trading is Rs.9 every time you trade.

    So, the general vibe is that the price is reasonable. Of course, if you buy more shares, you will have to pay lesser brokerage fees.

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    RK Global Intraday Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Intraday Rs.9 per Trade

    Equity Intraday is the service that we will talk next. RK Global is an experienced stock trading company. Therefore, they know that Intraday involves high risk. That is why they kept the brokerage fees to a minimal rate.

    Meanwhile, if in case you want to check out how much brokerages you need to pay, simply try the RK Global Intraday Brokerage Calculator.

    It is simple and easy to use tool which precisely calculates the brokerage amount. On the other hand, the brokerage amount is quite static, just like Equity Delivery – Rs.9 per trade. Again, the amount is pretty reasonable, and you will be benefited if you buy stock in bulks.

    And, if you have any confusion, we suggest you check out the RK Global Brokerage Calculator.

    RK Global Option Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Options Rs.9 per Trade

    The third service that we will cover is Equity Options, which not as flashy as the other two that we have discussed, yet has got tremendous potentials. Most of the trading companies value this mode of investment too. That is why the RK Global Option Brokerage Calculator is so crucial.

    This app helps the clients to calculate the brokerage fees quickly. Now, they maintain their trend of charging Rs.9 per trade for Equity Options as the brokerage fees as well, and just like the other two services, if you buy more stocks, you will pay less brokerage.

    Use the RK Global Brokerage Calculator if in case you have any doubt with the brokerage amount that you must pay.

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    RK Global Future Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Futures Rs.9 per Trade

    Let us move on to the fourth service, which is Equity Futures. This is a unique format of investment where the risk factor is low; however, you must have the patience to get the best out of this.

    Meanwhile, with the introduction of the RK Global Future Brokerage Calculator, you can know how they already won the hearts of their clients through low brokerage.

    The brokerage fee they charge is Rs.9 every time you trade, which is not a surprise as it is their way of charging. What is interesting is the price is indeed low when compared with other reputed stock trading companies.

    RK Global Currency Option Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Currency Option Rs.9 per Trade

    We begin discussing Currency trading with the service that RK Global delivers – Currency Options. Anther top-notch service from this incredible company and the icing on the cake is the RK Global Currency Option Brokerage Calculator.

    It is an excellent initiative for their clients to make the investment life easier. With this tool, you can calculate the brokerage fees for Currency Options, which is Rs.9 per trade, easier and quicker.

    Now, the price is with the range where it should not disrupt the profit margin by any means. Still, in case you have any slightest bit of confusion, consider using the RK Global Currency Brokerage Calculator.

    RK Global Currency Future Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Currency Futures Rs.9 per Trade

    Currency Futures is another form of Currency investment service that RK Global provides to their respective clients. Similar to Currency Options, this service is also reliable and involves low risks. The brokerage fees can be an issue, so consider using the RK Global Currency Brokerage Calculator.

    This incredible tool can calculate brokerage fees effortlessly. Now, the brokerage amount is Rs.9 per trade, which is not an exception for this service.

    In fact, it is their static fee structure that they follow. The price is okay, and again, it is better to use the RK Global Currency Future Brokerage Calculator to eliminate any chance of confusion with brokerage fees.

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    RK Global Commodity Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Commodity Trading Rs.9 per Trade

    The last but not least service that RK Global delivers is Commodity trading. Arguably, it is the most trending investment strategies in the world right now, and that is why so many companies are into this.

    The brokerage fees are again their trademarked Rs.9 per trade, and it suits most clients as well. The conversation will be incomplete without discussing the RK Global Currency Future Brokerage Calculator, which is one of the best tools available in the market.

    It determines the exact brokerage fees that you must pay.

    RK Global Calculator – Conclusion

    Speaking about the RK Global Brokerage Calculator may go on and on. However, we have discussed more or less all the essential parts as well. The tool is a success; the company associated with, is excellent as well. So, here we are, bringing the RK Global Calculator to life.

    Open Demat Account with RK Global – Fill up the Form Now!

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      2. Invalid number! Use 10 digit numbers starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9.

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      4. Please select the service.

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