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Last Updated Date - Oct 14, 2022

Phillip Capital Brokerage Calculator

This Phillip Capital Brokerage Calculator will help you to find out the actual and latest brokerage charges of PhillipCapital (India) Pvt Ltd.

PhillipCapital Brokerage CalculatorYou can calculate brokerage for all asset classes like Equity Intraday, Equity Delivery, Equity Futures, Equity Options, Currency Futures, Currency Options & Commodity.

Along with Brokerage charges, it will also give you a detailed understanding of other charges like transaction charges, STT, Stamp Duty for each State, SEBI turnover charges, GST & Transaction Charges. Just provide your Buy & Sell details & hit calculate button.

Choose Broker

Brokerage Calculate
Total Turnover (Rs.) -
Brokerage (Rs.) -
STT (Rs.) -
SEBI Turnover Fees (Rs.) -
Stamp Duty (Rs.) -
Transaction Charges (Rs.) -
GST (Rs.) -
Total Brokerage & Tax (Rs.) -
Total Profit Or Loss (Rs.) -

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    The Phillip Capital Brokerage Calculator helps to determine the brokerage fees to be refunded to the Phillip Capital Merchant Banking. Phillip Capital Calculator can be used to calculate Equity Intraday, Equity Delivery, Equity Futures, Equity Options, Currency Futures and a plethora of other derivatives.

    A brokerage fee is a payment given to the broker to compensate for the services required while executing a transaction. The brokerage fees can either be a fixed amount or a standard proportion of the total lent money.

    Phillip Capital Delivery Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Delivery 0.35%

    Delivery equity is a type where one acquires a share and later vends it anytime on their discretion. Such levied charges by brokerage businesses are called delivery brokerages.

    The Phillip Capital Delivery Brokerage calculator helps you to measure the specific amount to be compensated relying upon the shares you brought, without any confusion in accord to all the intricacies involved in the procedure.

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    Phillip Capital Intraday Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Intraday 0.04%

    Phillip Capital Intraday brokerage calculator calculates using the formulations of any other brokerage calculation procedure regarding the buying and selling of any intraday transaction.

    Additionally, miscellaneous things like securities transaction tax (STT), SEBI Regulator Fees, Transaction charges, stamp duty are also levied on this charge. Phillip Capital Brokerage Calculator can be used to calculate the Intraday brokerage skillfully in a short while without any difficulties.

    Phillip Capital Option Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Options Rs.35 per lot

    Equity options, unlike many other derivatives, give the investor the liberty to sell a stock without having to undertake the chore in doing so.

    Phillip Capital Option Brokerage Calculator aids in the finding of the charges that one needs to reimburse for the option equity derivatives specifically.

    It has a stabilized rating for options brokerage relying upon the total amount capitalised in the trading of shares. When employing the utilities of Phillip Capital Brokerage Calculator the amount which will be charged are in regards to the conditions set prior and market prices can be interpreted.

    When dealing in various shares the tariffs will change according to the undertaking one, is subsidizing in and pre-decided amount of equity options will be charged by the borrower.

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    Phillip Capital Future Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Equity Futures 0.04%

    A future derivative allows the commitment to buy or trade stock in possession at a predetermined value which is to be delivered at a predetermined time. It facilitates the trading in derivatives with a profit margin bestowing advantage over that equity.

    Phillip Capital Future Brokerage Calculator evaluates the amount to be expanded for the future involvements. It can comprise a lot of conditions like the number of shares involved and the stock values of the involved share.

    Phillip Capital Currency Option Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Currency Option Rs.20 per lot

    Currency options are really popular among investors due to the advantage of hedging currency risk or decide currency moves. It allows the privilege to buy or sell a particular currency at pre-specified rate and time.

    Phillip Capital Currency Option Brokerage Calculator computes the specific amount of fortune to be engaged for the brokerage believing on the original money financed by permeating the fragments of the commerce within seconds and accurately.

    The Phillip Capital Currency Brokerage Calculator calculates the currency options brokerage fee converging to the prevailing terms and circumstances agreed on during the deal distribution. Counting upon the shares involved and their volumes, the fees varies.

    Phillip Capital Currency Future Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Currency Futures 0.04%

    The currency future derivatives are a practical means which administers the risks involved in the transitioning prices of currency. It allows the liberty to retail or purchases a particular currency on steady and strict rates at a time decided prior.

    Counting upon the prevailing trade and returns the charges reimbursed to Phillip Capital for currency futures can easily be yielded for sufficient planning, exerting the Phillip Capital Currency Future Brokerage Calculator.

    The Phillip Capital Currency Brokerage Calculator facilitates the enormous tribulation of running through all the elements required for determining the payable amount. It specifies the brokerage tariff for the concerned currency future derivatives within limits to the authorizations in a matter of seconds.

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    Phillip Capital Commodity Brokerage Calculator

    Brokerage Charges
    Commodity Trading NA

    You might now be seeking out for the Phillip Capital Commodity Brokerage Calculator, if you are into commodity broking. But, this company does not facilitate the said serve.

    Well, other segments of the Phillip Capital Brokerage Calculator are well in work and you can opt for its assistance anytime, from anywhere.

    Phillip Capital Calculator – Conclusion

    Phillip Capital Brokerage Calculator is a clear mechanism which can be utilised to calculate the brokerage amount to be compensated for the investments. Philip Capital Calculator depends upon the fractions or numbers specified in the company’s tenures and conditions at the time of on boarding.

    The reimbursed payment comprises and considers all the components which alter the wealth to be disbursed. It is in congruence with the differences in stock prices and the abundance of shares money been invested in.

    Phillip Capital firm has acceptable prices and fractions for several kinds of derivatives and equities made by the client. It alleviates the pressure to process the complicated evaluations one typically has to tolerate to reduce the brokerage money against the services and platform provided.

    Open Demat Account with Phillip Capital – Fill up the Form Now!

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      2. Invalid number! Use 10 digit numbers starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9.

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      4. Please select the service.

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