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Let’s have a detailed review of the company and analytics of the Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited IPO release date, IPO offer price, subscription, MGEL IPO allotment, grey market price and other details like the company’s background, its financial positions, Mangalam Global IPO promoters, and other related things. Stock Broker Complaints

Mangalam Global Enterprise IPO Review & Ratings

IPO Ratings & Review
Criteria Ratings
Industry Sentiments 7.5/10
Industry Ranking 7.1/10
Company Background 7.3/10
Company Reputation 7.2/10
Competitive Edge 7.7/10
Financial Statements 7.1/10
Popularity Index 7.4/10
Promoters Reputation 7.7/10
Retail Appetite 7.1/10
Top Brokers Review 7.9/10
Overall Ratings 7.4/10
Star Ratings ★★★★☆

Summary of Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited IPO

Company was originally incorporated as “Hindprakash Colourchem Private Limited” as a Private Limited Company under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 vide Certificate of Incorporation dated September 27, 2010 issued by the Registrar of Companies, Gujarat, Dadra and Nagar Havelli.

Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited IPO

They are mainly engaged in the business of manufacturing of Refined Castor Oil First Stage Grade (F.S.G.), Castor De-Oiled Cake and High Protein Castor De-Oiled Cake for the domestic market as well as for exports to international markets.

Company has diversified its business operations into manufacturing of Cotton Bales (Lint Cotton) and Delineate Cotton Seeds. They were engaged in the trading business before starting commercial manufacturing of above mentioned products in the FY 2018-19.

The Promoters of this company are Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited and Communication Limited IPO is VIPIN PRAKASH MANGAL, CHANAKYA PRAKASH MANGAL AND CHANDRAGUPT PRAKASH MANGAL. The lead managers to the issue are PANTOMATH CAPITAL ADVISORS PRIVATE LIMITED and the Registrar to this issue is LINK INTIME INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED.

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    Mangalam Global Enterprise Ltd IPO Date

    The opening and the closing date of the Mangalam Global IPO are Nov 15, 2019 to Nov 20, 2019.

    Mangalam Global Enterprise IPO Subscription

    Check the IPO NSE  live subscription by clicking the link below:

    • NSE Bid Details
    Sr. No Category No of shares bid for
    1 Qualified Institutional Buyers(QIBs) 0
    1(a) Foreign Institutional Investors(FIIs) 0
    1(b) Domestic Financial Institutions(Banks/ Financial Institutions(FIs)/ Insurance Companies) 0
    1(c) Mutual funds 0
    1(d) Others 0
    2 Non Institutional Investors 32,78,000
    2(a) Corporates 3,12,000
    2(b) Individuals(Other than RIIs) 29,66,000
    2(c) others 0
    3 Retail Individual Investors(RIIs) 2,48,000
    3(a) Cut Off 0
    3(b) Price bids 2,48,000
    Total 35,26,000
    Day / Date NII RII Total Subscription
    1st Day – Nov 15 1.08x 0.02x 0.55x
    2nd Day – Nov 18 1.63x 0.12x 0.87x
    3rd Day – Nov 19 1.65x 0.21x 0.93x
    4th Day – Nov 20
    Shares Offered or Net Issue 2,009,000 2,009,000 4,018,000


    Mangalam Global Enterprise IPO Allotment Status

    Here, you can find the Allotment Status of this IPO.

    Finalization of Basis of Allotment with the Designated Stock Exchange 25-Nov-19
    Unblocking of funds from ASBA Accounts On or before November 26, 2019
    Credit of Equity Shares to demat accounts of Allottees On or before November 27, 2019
    Commencement of trading of the Equity Shares on the Stock Exchange On or before November 28, 2019

    Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited IPO/ MGEL IPO Price Band or Cash Price

    Fresh Issue of 42,30,000 Equity Shares of face value Rs.10 each of Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited for cash at a price of Rs.51 per Equity Shares aggregating Rs.2157.30/- lakhs by the Company

    Mangalam Global Enterprise IPO Issue Size

    Initial public issue of 42,30,000 equity shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each of the Company for cash at a price of Rs. 51/- per equity share (including a premium of Rs. 41/- per equity share) aggregating upto Rs. 2157.30 lakhs comprises a reservation of upto 2,12,000 Equity Shares aggregating upto Rs. 108.12 lakhs for market maker

    Mangalam Global IPO Offering

    • Issue of Equity Shares by the Company: 42,30,000 Equity Shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each
    • Market Maker Reservation Portion: 2,12,000 Equity Shares
    • Net Issue to the Public*: 40,18,000 Equity Shares

    Mangalam Global Enterprise Ltd – Company Overview

    Incorporated in the year 2010, Company Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited belongs to Ahmedabad based Mangalam group of Companies set up by Mangal Family and led by the vision of Mr. Vipin Prakash Mangal.

    The Corporate Identification Number of Company is U24224GJ2010PLC062434.

    Company has marked its presence in both domestic as well as global markets. They supply products in states such as Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi, Maharashtra, and West Bengal. In order to capture growing demand for Castor Oil in international market and to create a more responsive and cost-effective supply chain, they started export operations. Company export products to countries such as Thailand, Oman.

    Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited Business Model

    In this dynamic and extremely competitive business environment, they have developed a diversified business model with offerings ranging from castor oil to cotton products.

    Company have been successfully catering to these two different sectors in our business operations.

    They are mainly engaged in the business of manufacturing of Refined Castor Oil First Stage Grade (F.S.G.), Castor De-Oiled Cake and High Protein Castor De-Oiled Cake for the domestic market as well as for exports to international markets.

    Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited Business Process

    Company has diversified business operations into manufacturing of Cotton Bales (Lint Cotton) and Delineate Cotton Seeds. They were engaged in the trading business before starting commercial manufacturing of our above mentioned products in the FY 2018-19.

    Company has one cotton processing unit at Harij, Gujarat and two well-equipped Castor processing units at Harij and Palanpur, Gujarat respectively for undertaking manufacturing operations of above mentioned two product segments.

    They are also engaged in the trading of Castor Seeds and Raw Cotton.

    Business strategies of Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited

    • Increase our Global Presence through Exports
    • Leveraging our market skills and relationship
    • Improving functional efficiency through technology enhancements
    • Brand image

    Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited – Financial Statements

    A quick look into the past financial performance of the company to understand its performance of business and evaluate the growth prospectus:

    Financial Summary of Mangalam Global Enterprise IPO

    On the basis of Standalone statement:-

    Amount (in INR & lakhs)
     June, 2019 31-Mar-19 31-Mar-18 31-Mar-17
    Total Assets 9,095.55 4,714.81 934.75 698.19
    Total Revenue 14,592.77 33,003.73 2,689.83 268.71
    Total Expense 14,451.14 32,701.67 2,655.94 254.49
    Profit After Tax 105.39 216.98 25.89 9.41
    PAT Margin (%) 0.72% 0.66% 0.96% 3.50%
    251.8 584.24 42.25 16.65
    EBITDA Margin (%) 1.73% 1.77% 1.57% 6.20%

    Earnings per Equity Share (in lakhs)

    June 30, 2019 31-Mar-19 31-Mar-18 31-Mar-17
    Basic & Diluted 0.88 2.31

    Activity wise break-up of our revenue as per Restated Financial Information is as under:


    From the above statements, one could find that Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited may perform well.

    Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited IPO – Promoters

    The Promoter of this company is:

    • Vipin Prakash Mangal,
    • Chanakya Prakash Mangal &
    • Chandragupt Prakash Mangal

    List of Related Parties (Key Managerial Personnel)

    • Ashutosh Mehta, CFO
    • Rutu Shah

    Interest in promotion of the Company

    Promoters are interested in Company to the extent that they have promoted Company and to the extent of their shareholding and the dividend receivable, if any and other distributions in respect of the equity shares held by them in company.

    Property Interest

    Promoters do not have any interest in any property acquired by Company in the three years preceding the date of this Draft Prospectus.

    Interest in Intellectual Rights of the Company

    As on the date of filing of the Draft Red Herring Prospectus, the Company does not own any intellectual property rights.

    Mangalam Global Enterprise IPO Offer Details or Issue Details

    Particulars  No. Of Equity Shares
    Issue of Equity Shares by our Company Up to 42,30,000 Equity Shares of face value of Rs.10 each fully paid-up for cash at price of Rs. 51/- per Equity Share aggregating to Rs. 2,157.30 Lakhs
     Of which:
    Market Maker Reservation Portion Up to 2,12,000 Equity Shares of face value of Rs. 10 each fully paid-up for cash at price of Rs. 51/- per Equity Share aggregating to Rs.108.12 Lakhs

    Net Issue to the Public

    40,18,000 Equity Shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each
     Of which:
    (A) Retail Portion 20,10,000 Equity Shares, aggregating Rs. 1025.10 lakhs will be available for allocation for allotment to Investors of up to Rs. 2.00 lakhs
    (B) Non – Institutional Portion 20,08,000 Equity Shares, aggregating Rs. 1024.08 lakhs will be available for allocation to investors above Rs. 2.00 lakhs
    Pre-and Post-Issue Equity Shares
    Equity Shares outstanding prior to the Issue 1,18,27,410 Equity Shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each
    Equity Shares outstanding after the Issue 1,60,57,410 Equity Shares of face value of Rs. 10/- each

    Mangalam Global Enterprise IPO Issue Object

    These are the IPO Issue Objects of the company

    • Funding the working capital requirements of our Company;
    •  General corporate purposes.

    Mangalam Global Enterprise Ltd IPO – Basis of the Offer Price

    The issue price is determined by the company in consultation with the Lead manager on the basis of the following qualitative and quantitative factors.

    Qualitative factors are:

    • Experienced Management Team;
    • Quality Control & Quality Assurance;
    • Diversified business model & customer base; and
    • Scalable Business Model.

    The relevant quantitative factors are:

    (On the basis of standalone statement)

    Basic & Diluted EPS RONW  NAV (Rs.)
    31-Mar-17 N.A.
    31-Mar-18 N.A.
    31-Mar-19 2.31 6.62% 29.52
    June 30, 2019
    0.88 2.89% 30.41
    • Price to Earnings (P/E) ratio in relation to Issue Price Rs. [●] per Equity Share of Rs. 10 each fully paid up
    Particulars P/E ratio
    Highest 36.18
    Average 22.39
    Lowest 8.59

    Mangalam Global Competitive Peers

    Companies EPS PE Ratio RONW (%) NAV (Per Share) Face Value
    Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited 2.31 22.08 6.62 29.52 10.00
    Gokul Agro Resources
    0.39 36.18 2.44 15.89 2.00
    Jayant Agro Organics
    15.83 8.59 15.00 105.56 5.00

    Mangalam Global IPO Lead Managers

    Lead Managers
    406-408, Keshava Premises, Behind Family Court,
    Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai – 400 051,
    Maharashtra, India
    Tel: +91-22 6194 6700
    Fax: +91-22 2659 8690
    Email: ipo@pantomathgroup.com
    Investor Grievance Id: ipo@pantomathgroup.com
    Contact Person: Unmesh Zagade
    SEBI Registration No:INM000012110

    Mangalam Global IPO Registrar to offer

    Registrar to the Offer
    C-101, 1st Floor, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli (West),
    Mumbai – 400 083, Maharashtra , India
    Tel: +91 22 4918 6200
    Fax: +91 22 4918 6195
    Website: www.linkintime.co.in
    Email: mangalam.ipo@linkintime.co.in
    Investor Grievance Id: mangalam.ipo@linkintime.co.in
    Contact Person: Shanti Gopalkrishnan
    SEBI Registration Number: INR000004058

    Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited IPO Other Details:

    • Statutory Auditor – MM/s. Keyur Shah & Co, Chartered Accountants
    • Peer Review Auditor -MM/s. Keyur Shah & Co, Chartered Accountants
    • Bankers to the Company – HDFC BANK LIMITED

    Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited IPO Grey Market Premium

    The Mangalam Global Enterprise Limited IPO Grey Market Premium price is Rs X, the Kostak rate is Rs X and the Subject to Sauda is X. 

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