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Portfolio Management Services have been quite widely known in the current scenario. This seems like an easier means to invest a large amount of funds without having to indulge in the roots.

Like searching for the right investment securities, tracking the movement, and making investments and disinvestment; instead, the investors trust Portfolio Managers will all these processes.

Portfolio Managers acquire and bear expertise on the subject and hire a superior team to execute the role. One such Portfolio Manager in the market is Turtle Wealth PMS. In this article, we will be discussing the crucial elements of this fund and its operations.

PMS Offers

Turtle Wealth PMS – Ratings & Review by Top10StockBroker

Find Client ratings of Turtle Wealth Portfolio Management Services –

Turtle Wealth PMS Ratings
Returns Performance 3.3 / 5
Services 3.2 / 5
Charges 3.1 / 5
Experience 3.0 / 5
Strategies 3.1 / 5
Client Support 3.1 / 5
Overall Ratings 3.1 / 5
Star Ratings ★★★★★

The above ratings given in the table will help us to understand better the performance of Turtle Wealth PMS broking house in every field.

Overview of Turtle Wealth Portfolio Management Services

Company Type Private
Registered Location Surat, Gujarat
Leadership Rohan Mehta
Yr. of Establishment 2019

Turtle Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd. is a private company founded in 2019 to cater to the needs of a Portfolio Manager. The company is based in Surat, Gujarat, and is run under the leadership of Rohan Mehta.

The company strives to acclaim long-lasting wealth for its customers. The name “TURTLE” resonate the qualities like speed and consistency, and the same is incorporated in the foundation of this company.

Turtle Wealth is a company that’s achieving higher and higher milestones by securing wealth in a strategic way where discipline, probity, and transparency are foremost.

The entity itself is walking on this road to achieving its BHAG – (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) and aims to become among the top 10 brands in the coming years with 10 times growth.

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    Types of Turtle Wealth PMS

    Types of PMS
    Discretionary Yes
    Non-Discretionary Yes

    The recently founded Portfolio Management Services provider Turtle Wealth offers its clients Discretionary and Non-Discretionary PMS services.

    With his variety of services, the company is slowly capturing a wider clientele and is ensuring their utmost satisfaction.

    Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Portfolio services are primarily divided based on the level of control an investor can have over the Investment.

    Turtle Wealth PMS Fund Managers Details

    Fund Manager’s Details
    Name Rohan Mehta
    Experience 15 Years
    Highest Qualification MBA
    AUM (in Cr.) Approx 346.61 Cr.
    Number of Clients 175
    Investment Tenure Minimum 3-5 yrs.

    Fund Manager – Rohan Mehta

    Rohan Mehta is the CEO and Portfolio Manager of Turtle Wealth Management. He is an MBA Graduate and, over the years, has gained experience of over 15 years in the industry.

    He is a stockbroker at heart and aspires to motivate others with his words of wisdom. Rohan is the author of Rohan Mehta. Quant Investing is one of his specialities; he has trained more than one lakh traders and investors about the same.

    Rohan certainly has achieved high milestones in his personal endeavors and is now helping others to attain their goals.

    Know Fund Managers of Other Portfolio Management Service Companies

    Turtle Wealth PMS Strategies

    Turtle Wealth – 212 ° Growth Mantra MULTI CAP
    Turtle Wealth – 212 ° Wealth Mantra MULTI CAP

    Turtle Wealth – 212 ° Growth Mantra

    This is a multi-cap portfolio strategy where emphasis on exploring the companies with the fastest growing potential is given.

    By investing in growing entities, turtle wealth wants to ensure unstoppable Growth of the portfolio and the customers. The strategy adopts a Bottom-up approach and strong risk management.

    Turtle Wealth – 212 ° Wealth Mantra

    With this portfolio, Turtle Wealth aims to achieve over 10 times wealth in 13 years, attaining a CAGR of 20%+. The entity invests in businesses outperforming their past achievements and has leadership and Growth go hand in hand.

    This strategy follows a bottom-up approach and complies with a Robust Risk Management System.

    Turtle Wealth PMS Returns / Performance

    Strategy Turtle Wealth – 212 ° Growth Mantra Turtle Wealth – 212 ° Wealth Mantra
    Return (CAGR) 1M 5.67% 2.73%
    3M 20.74% 21.00%
    6M 4.99% 4.16%
    1Y 13.16% 4.29%
    2Y NA 25.20%
    3Y NA 16.45%
    5Y NA NA
    Since Inception 34.15% 16.45%
    Inception Year Oct, 2020 Sep, 2019

    With the objective of consistent Growth and generating wealth, Turtle Wealth kept its foundation in 2019. It started with one portfolio Turtle Wealth – 212 ° Wealth Mantra, in 2019, and later in 2020, it introduced Turtle Wealth – 212 ° Growth Mantra.

    Both the portfolio strategy is quantifiably potential and aimed at wealth in the long run. With the multi-cap, diverse stock choices, and wide profit potential, Turtle Wealth encompass wise investment choices.

    Know the Returns of other PMS Brands

    Turtle Wealth PMS Investment Plans

    Investment Plans
    Bronze (25L – 50L) Yes
    Silver (50L – 1 Cr.) Yes
    Gold (1 Cr. – 5 Cr.) Yes
    Platinum (5 Cr. Plus) Yes

    With Turtle Wealth PMS, investors can invest in 25 lakhs to 5 Crore or any higher level as they want to. The company’s investment plans are segregated into groups starting from the range to ending at other, like 25 lakh to 50 lakh.

    The entity has Bronze Plan, Silver Plan, Gold Plan, and Platinum Plan to offer and serve its customers.

    Turtle Wealth PMS Fee Structure or Commission Slabs

    Commission / Fees Structure
    Prepaid Commission Yes
    Volume% Commission Yes
    Profit Sharing% Commission Yes

    Now we will talk about the Turtle Wealth PMS Fee Structure or Commission Slabs.

    The commission or fee structures available with Turtle Wealth PMS are in three forms Prepaid Commission, Volume% Commission, & Profit Commission.

    On the basis of these structures, the customers are charged for the services rendered to them.

    Turtle Wealth PMS Prepaid Commission

    Prepaid Commission (Yearly)
    Investment – 25L – 50L 1.3% of Investment
    Investment – 50L – 1 Cr. 1.3% of Investment
    Investment – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 1.4% of Investment
    Investment – 5 Cr. Plus 1.1% of Investment

    Prepaid Commission is a sum required to comply with before rendering services of the stated organization. This is kind of an upfront payment for the services to be taken at a later date.

    The prepaid commission is based on the Investment level which is differentiated in multiple categories. For 25 lakh to 50 lakh investments, 1.3% is charged.

    For 50 lakh to 1 Crore, the commission is 1.3% and for 1 Crore to 5 Crore, 1.4%, respectively. Above 5 Crore investment, the commission is 1.1%.

    Turtle Wealth PMS Volume% Commission

    Volume% Commission (Yearly)
    Transaction Volume – 25L – 50L 0.12% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 50L – 1 Cr. 0.15% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 0.13% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 5 Cr. Plus 0.10% of the Total Transaction Volume

    Other form of Commission applied by Turtle Wealth on its customers is Volume Commission. This commission is charged on a percentage basis. For start, 0.12% is levied for a transaction value of 25 lakh to 50 lakhs.

    Volume Commission is a convenient aisle for implying the charges. This provides a straight method on both ends, for the clients and the service-providing entity. These commission charges range between 0.12% to 0.15%.

    Turtle Wealth PMS Profit Sharing% Commission

    Profit Sharing% Commission (Yearly)
    Profit Amount – 2.5L – 5L 15% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 5L – 10L 14% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 10L – 50L 11% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 50L Plus 12% of Profit

    Investments with Turtle Wealth are made with the perspective of making a profit and creating wealth in the long run. The entity does all the research, sorting, investing, and tracking the movements.

    Turtle Wealth charges a pre-determined percentage of these profits from the customers as a commission. The commission percentage differs according to profit quantum.

    Know Charges models of other Portfolio Management Service Providers

    Turtle Wealth PMS Charges

    Management Fees As per the commission model
    Upfront Fees 1.2% – 2.2% of Asset Value
    Brokerage Charges 0.01% – 0.06% of Total Transaction Value
    Custodian Charges 0.25% – 0.46% of Asset Value
    Depository Charges 0.18% – 0.36% of Asset Value
    Exit Load – within 12 months 1.2% – 2.6% of Withdrawal Value
    Exit Load – post 12 months Free

    The table given briefs in detail all the charges and fees that the customers of Turtle Wealth are required to comply with. These charges are levied based on separate bases and can be charged at different intervals as stated by the company.

    Some of these charges are upfront fees, management fees, depository charges, and brokerage charges.

    Turtle Wealth PMS Benefits

    Benefits / Advantages
    Top-up Facility Yes
    Back office Reports Yes
    Email Update Yes
    SMS Update Yes
    Watsapp Update No
    Portfolio View Yes
    Detailed View Yes
    Flexible Commission Model Yes
    Flexible Investment Plans Yes
    Massive Experience Yes

    Having access to the up to date information and being able to understand the current position of Investment builds stronger trust between the client and the portfolio manager.

    Turtle Wealth provides updates on the investments and movements to keep the customers aware of the investments’ Growth over time.

    The Turtle Wealth Management has placed features like Top-up Facility, Back-office reports, portfolio view, etc., to achieve the same.

    Turtle Wealth PMS Customer Care

    Customer Care
    Call Support Yes
    Email Support Yes
    Chat Support No
    Watsapp Support Yes
    Relationship Manager Support Yes
    Call to Fund Manager Yes – 1 – 7 times a month
    Issue Resolving TAT 7 working days

    Turtle Wealth offers a variety of options for customers when they wish to reach out to the company for their queries or any grievances.

    Customers can utilize the call support, email support, WhatsApp support, or relationship manager support features of the company.

    Additionally, customers can utilize Call to Fund Manager up to 7 times a month and Issue Resolving TAT working for the benefit of the customers.

    Turtle Wealth PMS Conclusion

    Turtle Wealth PMS is led by a team of financial market enthusiasts who possess decades of experience in dealing with securities and understand market dynamics.

    The company has introduced two portfolios and is dedicatedly working to achieve success for themselves and the customers.

    In the coming ten years, the company aspires to become one of the top 10 brands in the Portfolio Management services segment.

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