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Looking for a seasoned player in the market to start your investing journey? Look no further, as MPSL PMS has all the necessary services and perks, which are just what a newbie requires.

With a team of experienced managers and customer support, this 11-year-old company has it all. Read further to know more about its investment plans and strategies.

PMS Offers

MPSL PMS – Ratings & Review by Top10StockBroker

Find Client ratings of MPSL Portfolio Management Services –

MPSL PMS Ratings
Returns Performance 3.8 / 5
Services 3.9 / 5
Charges 3.8 / 5
Experience 3.1 / 5
Strategies 3.2 / 5
Client Support 3.1 / 5
Overall Ratings 3.9 / 5
Star Ratings ★★★★★

The above ratings given in the table will help us to understand better the performance of MPSL PMS broking house in every field.

Overview of MPSL Portfolio Management Services

Company Type Private
Registered Location Ludhiana, Punjab
Leadership Investment Committee
Yr. of Establishment 2011

The company is a private limited establishment. They initiated their services in 2011 from Ludhiana, Punjab. They have a strong investment philosophy to strive to follow a conservative approach and invest in a way that the margin of safety is maintained.

Keeping this in mind, MPSL Portfolio Management Services use the following strategies to make their portfolio:

  • Selecting companies with a topline of Rs.500 Cr.
  • The stocks are picked from multi-cap companies.
  • Building a portfolio with 20-25 stocks.
  • Each stock will have a minimum weightage of 3% and a maximum of 5%.
  • Each sector will only have no more than 25% of weightage.

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    Types of MPSL PMS

    Types of PMS
    Discretionary Yes
    Non-Discretionary Yes

    There are usually two types of PMS namely Discretionary and non-discretionary services. To maintain flexibility in their services, the organisation provides both services. Brief on the types of MPSL PMS are provided below:

    Discretionary: This PMS is the sort-after solution for new investors. By selecting this service, the clients will be able to sit back and relax as the fund managers take up the responsibility of completely handling their portfolios.

    Non-discretionary: The non-discretionary PMS only gives partial authority to the fund managers. They can analyse the stocks and share their opinion on them, however, the final deciding power resides with the clients.

    MPSL PMS Fund Managers Details

    Fund Manager’s Details
    Name Investment Committee
    Experience 10 Years
    Highest Qualification Finance
    AUM (in Cr.) Approx 645.86 Cr.
    Number of Clients 528
    Investment Tenure Minimum 3-5 yrs.

    The investment committee of the organisation is well experienced in their work as they have been working in the financial industry for over a decade. The team is currently handling the investment of 500+ clients.

    The assets under their management are approximately Rs.645.86 Cr. with an investment horizon of 3-5 years. The MPSL PMS Fund Managers of the committee focus on capital preservation and building long-term wealth.

    Know Fund Managers of Other Portfolio Management Service Companies

    MPSL PMS Strategies

    MPSL – Vallum India Discovery MIDCAP

    The MPSL PMS Strategies consists of only one prominent one by the name- of MPSL – Vallum India Discovery. The description is provided below:

    MPSL – Vallum India Discovery

    The fund claims to be the intersection between growth and value investing. The stocks of those companies are chosen which have an innovative business model and have reached their break-even point. To find these stocks, the PMS uses profit cycle analysis.

    MPSL PMS Returns / Performance

    Strategy MPSL – Vallum India Discovery
    Category MIDCAP
    Return (CAGR) 1M -3.13%
    3M 9.47%
    6M -6.12%
    1Y -11.35%
    2Y 32.38%
    3Y 28.70%
    5Y 12.79%
    Since Inception 25.81%
    Inception Year Oct, 2011

    There is only one portfolio fund running under the organisation and thus they can completely focus on growing and bringing out the maximum of the investment.

    The investments done 10 years ago today are providing a return of 25.81%. the rate of return keeps on gradually increasing as months go by.

    Know the Returns of other PMS Brands

    MPSL PMS Investment Plans

    Investment Plans
    Bronze (25L – 50L) Yes
    Silver (50L – 1 Cr.) Yes
    Gold (1 Cr. – 5 Cr.) Yes
    Platinum (5 Cr. Plus) Yes

    Depending on the investment amount, the investment plans are allotted. The bronze plan requires a minimum investment of Rs.25 Lakhs to Rs. 50 lakhs. The silver plan consists of an investment amount between Rs.50 lakhs and Rs. 1 Cr.

    For investments above Rs.1 Cr till Rs.5 Cr, the slab is known as the gold investment plan and for HNIs choosing to invest above Rs5 Cr, it is called the platinum plan.

    The table presents all the MSPL PMS Investment Plans.

    MPSL PMS Fee Structure or Commission Slabs

    Commission / Fees Structure
    Prepaid Commission Yes
    Volume% Commission Yes
    Profit Sharing% Commission Yes

    The MSPL PMS Fee Structure is divided into three categories. the prepaid commission percentage, the transaction commission percentage, and the profit commission percentage.

    As the name implies, each category of commission is dependent on a specific determinant.

    MPSL PMS Prepaid Commission

    Prepaid Commission (Yearly)
    Investment – 25L – 50L 1.2% of Investment
    Investment – 50L – 1 Cr. 1.3% of Investment
    Investment – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 1.1% of Investment
    Investment – 5 Cr. Plus 1.3% of Investment

    The MSPL PMS Prepaid Commission has one of the realistic commission charges. It is framed in a way which will be beneficial for both the clients and the fund managers.

    The investments made worth Rs.25 lakhs till Rs.50 Lakhs and between Rs.1 Cr and Rs.5 Cr are charged with a commission of 1.1%. Otherwise, it is 1.3% of the investment amount.

    MPSL PMS Volume% Commission

    Volume% Commission (Yearly)
    Transaction Volume – 25L – 50L 0.11% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 50L – 1 Cr. 0.15% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 1 Cr. – 5 Cr. 0.13% of the Total Transaction Volume
    Transaction Volume – 5 Cr. Plus 0.10% of the Total Transaction Volume

    The MSPL PMS Volume% Commission does not follow a definite flow. The commission percentage fluctuates from transaction to transaction.

    If in a year, 25 lakh transactions have been made, they will receive 0.11% of the total transaction volume.

    For volume between 50 lakhs and 1 Cr, it is 0.15%. the commission dips again at the slab of transactions ranging from 1 Cr. to 5 Cr. at 0.13%. And as for the last slab, it is for 5+ Cr. transactions, levying a 0.10% commission on it.

    MPSL PMS Profit Sharing% Commission

    Profit Sharing% Commission (Yearly)
    Profit Amount – 2.5L – 5L 18% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 5L – 10L 16% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 10L – 50L 13% of Profit
    Profit Amount – 50L Plus 13% of Profit

    Profit sharing seems to be the most sought-after commission plan, as it is a way for the fund managers to stay motivated to build up the profits for the clients so that they can also enjoy higher revenue.

    The MSPL PMS Profit Sharing% Commission is as follows- for profit amount between Rs2.5 Lakhs and Rs.5 Lakhs, it is 18% of the profit.

    For generating profit somewhere between Rs.5 Lakhs and Rs.10 Lakhs, 16% commission is earned by the fund managers. And profits above Rs.10 Lakhs will earn the managers a 13% commission.

    Know Charges models of other Portfolio Management Service Providers

    MPSL PMS Charges

    Management Fees As per the commission model
    Upfront Fees 1.2% – 2.5% of Asset Value
    Brokerage Charges 0.01% – 0.08% of Total Transaction Value
    Custodian Charges 0.20% – 0.40% of Asset Value
    Depository Charges 0.21% – 0.35% of Asset Value
    Exit Load – within 12 months 1.2% – 2.0% of Withdrawal Value
    Exit Load – post 12 months Free

    The MSPL PMS Charges lists the other fees that the clients need to pay apart from the commissions. The management fees are calculated as per the commission model.

    There are also upfront fees, custodian fees, depository fees and exit load fees. The exit, if done after 12 months, will be sans any additional charges.

    MPSL PMS Benefits

    Benefits / Advantages
    Top-up Facility Yes
    Back office Reports Yes
    Email Update Yes
    SMS Update Yes
    Watsapp Update No
    Portfolio View Yes
    Detailed View Yes
    Flexible Commission Model Yes
    Flexible Investment Plans Yes
    Massive Experience Yes

    The MSPL PMS Benefits of associating with MSPL PMS are at the same level as their services. They provide in-depth research and analysis reports along with a clear description of the developments of the portfolio.

    With years of experience in the market, fund managers are well aware of the necessities that they need to provide to the clients apart from the basic services. The same are listed here.

    MPSL PMS Customer Care

    Customer Care
    Call Support Yes
    Email Support Yes
    Chat Support No
    Watsapp Support Yes
    Relationship Manager Support Yes
    Call to Fund Manager Yes – 1 – 7 times a month
    Issue Resolving TAT 7 working days

    Customer service is one of the most essential segments in an organisation to maintain the right client relationship.

    Being aware of this, the MSPL PMS Customer Care provides all sorts of communication support except for the chatbot. They also make sure that every grievance gets resolved within 6-7 working days.

    MPSL PMS Conclusion

    After being in the industry for 11 long years, the organisation is well-versed in market trends and the type of investment that brings maximum returns.

    So without stressing too much, feel free to reach out to MSPL PMS and have a discussion over the investment plans before associating with them.

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