Home  »  Buyback  »  R Systems International Buyback

In this article, we will discuss R Systems International Buyback offer, buyback price, buyback size, R Systems International Buyback record date, company financial, buyback necessity, and its impact on the company.

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R Systems International Buyback Details

Buyback Type Tender Offer
Opening Date [●]
Closing Date [●]
Buyback Offer Amount Rs.299,925,000
Buyback No. of Shares 1,333,000
Face Value Rs.1
Date of Buyback Approval [●]
Date of Public Announcement [●]
Buy Back Price Rs.225
Buy Back Premium 41.69%
Date of Board Meeting  August 06, 2021

R Systems International Buyback Opening and Closing Date

The starting and closing date of this buyback are [●] and [●].

R Systems International Buyback Cash Offer

The Cash Offer to Buy-back up to 1,333,000 fully paid-up equity shares of the Company of the face value of Rs.1 each, representing 10% of the total number of equity shares.

R Systems International Buyback Record Date

The decided record date of this buyback is August 27, 2021.

R Systems International Buyback Price

At a price of Rs.225 per Equity Share.

R Systems International Buyback Size

At a buyback price of Rs.225/- payable in cash for an aggregate consideration not exceeding Rs.299,925,000/-.

R Systems International Buyback Acceptance Query

You can check for the Buyback Acceptance query here. Just click on the given link and it will redirect you to the buyback acceptance query page.

R Systems International Buyback Acceptance Ratio

Find profit & profit percentage based on various acceptance rates, The profit is calculated based on 1000 shares.

Acceptance Ratio Total Shares Accepted Buyback Price Buyback Amount Profit Profit%
20% 200 225 45000 5600 2.84%
40% 400 225 90000 11200 5.69%
60% 600 225 135000 16800 8.53%
80% 800 225 180000 22400 11.37%
100% 1000 225 225000 28000 14.21%

Profit is calculated from 12 August 2021 share price i.e. Rs.197 per share of R Systems International.

According to the above table, if a shareowner applies for 1000 shares of R Systems International & gets 20% acceptance from the company and the owner with 1000 shares will sell 200 shares @ Rs.225 per share & receive Rs.28000 as profit amount & 14.21% profit percentage on selling these 200 shares back to the company.

Similarly, if the owner gets 60% acceptance of share from the company, the owner will sell 600 shares @ Rs.225 & receive a profit of Rs.16800 @ 8.53% profit percentage.

R Systems International Buyback Overview

R Systems International BuybackThe Company was incorporated on May 14, 1993, as “R Systems (India) Private Limited” as per Certificate of Incorporation issued by Registrar of Companies, National Capital Territory of Delhi and Haryana under the Companies Act, 1956.

Pursuant to a special resolution passed by the shareholders of the Company on March 14, 2000, the Company was converted into a public limited company and consequently, the name of the Company was changed to R Systems (India) Limited.

A fresh certificate of incorporation reflecting the new name was issued by the Registrar of Companies, National Capital Territory of Delhi and Haryana on April 13, 2000.

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Company Finances – R Systems International

The salient features of the financial information of the Company for the last three financial years as at and for the financial year ended March 31, 2018, March 31, 2017, and March 31, 2016, on a consolidated as well as a standalone basis are given below:

[In Rs. million]

Particulars 12 Months period ended March 31
2018 2017 2016
Total Income 71,913.76 60,882.49 60,094.41
Total Expenses (excluding finance cost, depreciation & amortization) 64,264.35 55,960.35 51,824.31
Interest 26.41 39.74 13.63
Depreciation and amortization expenses 1,354.76 1,348.02 1,151.20
Profit before tax 6,268.24 3,534.38 7,105.27
Provision for tax
(including Deferred Tax)
1,163.74 1,281.05 2,051.90
Profit /(Loss) after tax 5,104.50 2,253.33 5,053.37
Equity Share Capital 1,232.51 1,232.14 1,231.31
Reserve and Surplus 31,057.73 25,854.46 26,565.98
Net-worth 32,290.24 27,086.60 27,797.29
Total Debt (Excluding working capital loans) 93.64 95.66 134.42

R Systems International Ltd Buyback Dates

Date of Board Meeting approving the Buyback August 06, 2021
Date of publication of Public Announcement for Buyback [●]
Record Date for determining the Buyback Entitlement and the names of Eligible Shareholders August 27, 2021
Buyback Opening date [●]
Buyback Closing date [●]
Last date of receipt of the completed tender form and other specified documents [●]
Last Date of verification of Tender Forms by the Registrar [●]
*Last date of intimation regarding acceptance / non-acceptance of Tendered Equity Shares to the BSE Limited by the Registrar [●]
Last date of Settlement of Bids on the BSE Limited [●]
*Last date of return of unaccepted Equity Shares by BSE Limited [●]
Last date of Extinguishment of Equity Shares [●]

Details of Public Announcement

In accordance with Regulation 7(i) of the Buyback Regulations, the Company has made the Public Announcement dated January 16, 2019, for the Buyback of Equity Shares published on January 17, 2019, in the following newspapers:

Publication Language Edition
Business Standard English January 17, 2019
Business Standard Hindi January 17, 2019

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The necessity of R Systems International Buyback

I. The Buyback will help the Company to distribute surplus cash to its shareholders holding Equity Shares broadly in proportion to their shareholding, thereby, enhancing the overall return to shareholders;

II. The Buyback, which is being implemented through the tender offer route as prescribed under the Buyback Regulations, would involve a reservation of 15% of the Buyback Size for small shareholders. The Company believes that this reservation of up to 15% for small shareholders would benefit a large number of public shareholders, who would get classified as “Small Shareholders as defined in the Buyback Regulations”;

III. The Buyback would help in improving financial ratios like earnings per share and return on equity, by reducing the equity base of the Company; and

IV. The Buyback gives an option to the Eligible Sellers to either choose to participate in the Buyback and receive cash in lieu of their Equity Shares which are accepted under the Buyback or choose not to participate in the Buyback and get a resultant increase in their percentage shareholding in the Company post the Buyback, without additional investment as a result of a decrease in the paid-up Equity Share Capital

Impact of R Systems International Buyback on the Company

The financial numbers for the year ended December 31, 2017, and December 31, 2018, are as per the Ind-AS. Further for the year ended Dec. 31, 2017; Dec. 31, 2016, and Dec. 31, 2015, the financial numbers are as per the previous GAAP (IGAAP).

The Company shall comply with the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011, as amended, wherever and if applicable. The Company hereby declares that it has complied with Sections 68, 69, and 70 and other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.

Salient financial parameters consequent to the Buyback based on the latest audited standalone financial statements for the period ended on March 31, 2018, are as under:

Financial Parameters (based upon audited results for the
fiscal ended December 31, 2018)
Pre Buy-back Post-Buy-back
(Assuming Full Acceptance)
Net worth (Rs in million) 26,955.27 24,556.77
Total Debt 93.64 93.64
Total Debt / Equity Ratio (Total Debt / Net worth) 0.0035 0.0038

Basis of Calculating R Systems International Buyback Price

I.The Equity Shares of the Company are proposed to be bought back at a price of ₹ 65 (Rupees Sixty Five only) per Equity Share.

II. The Buyback Price of ₹ 65 (Rupees Sixty Five only) per Equity Share has been arrived at after considering various factors including, but not limited to (i) the trends in the volume-weighted average prices of the Equity Shares on the Stock Exchanges where the Equity Shares are listed, (ii) the net worth of the Company, and (iii) the impact on the earnings per Equity Share.

III. The Buyback Price represents a premium of 41.69% and 39.83% over the volume-weighted average market price of the Equity Shares on NSE and BSE, respectively for the 3 months preceding the date of intimation to the Stock Exchanges of the – 19 – Board Meeting to consider the proposal of the Buyback and 34.93% and 34.49 % over the volume-weighted average market price of the Equity Shares on NSE and BSE, respectively for the 2 weeks preceding the date of intimation to the Stock Exchanges of the Board Meeting to consider the proposal of the Buyback.

IV. The closing market price of the Equity Shares as of the date of intimation of the Board Meeting for considering the Buyback, being January 08, 2019, was ₹ 47.75 on NSE and ₹ 47.80 on BSE. V. For Financial ratios and trends in the market price of the Equity Shares please refer to clause 15 & 16 of this Letter of Offer respectively.

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Source of Funds for the Buyback

I. Assuming full acceptance, the funds that would be utilized by the Company for the purpose of the Buyback would be ₹ 239,850,000 (Rupees Twenty Three Crores Ninety Eight Lakhs Fifty Thousand only) excluding any expenses incurred or to be incurred for the Buyback like filing fees payable to SEBI, advisors fees, transaction costs viz. brokerage, applicable taxes such as securities transaction tax, goods and service tax, stamp duty, public announcement publication expenses, printing, and dispatch expenses, and other incidental and related expenses.

II. The Buyback would be financed out of free reserves and/or such other sources as may be permitted by law through the “Tender Offer” route and as required by the Buyback regulations and the Companies Act, and on such terms and conditions as the Board may deem fit. The Company shall transfer from its free reserves a sum equal to the nominal value of the equity shares bought back through the Buyback to the Capital Redemption Reserve Account and the details of such transfer shall be disclosed in its subsequent audited financial statements.

III. The Company has confirmed that the funds for the Buyback will be made available out of its internal accruals and not out of funds borrowed, if any, from banks and financial institutions

R Systems International – Manager to the Buyback

Buyback Manager Details
Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors Limited
Motilal Oswal Tower, Rahimtullah Sayani Road
Opposite Parel ST Depot, Prabhadevi, Mumbai- 400 025
Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 22 7193 4200 | Fax: +91 22 3846 4315
E-mail: rsystems.buyback2019@motilaloswal.com
Investor Grievance E-mail: moiaplredressal@motilaloswal.com
Website: http://www.motilaloswalgroup.com
Contact person: Ms. Kristina Dias
SEBI Registration No.: INM000011005
CIN: U67190MH2006PLC160583

R Systems International – Registrar to the Buyback

Registrar Details
Link Intime India Private Limited
C-101, 1st Floor, 247 Park, L.B.S. Marg,
Vikhroli (West), Mumbai 400 083, Maharashtra, India
Telephone: +91 22 4918 6200
Facsimile: +91 22 4918 6195
Email: rsystems.buyback2019@linkintime.co.in
Website: www.linkintime.co.in
Contact Person: Mr. Sumeet Deshpande
SEBI Registration Number : INR000004058
CIN: U67190MH1999PTC118368

R Systems International Contact Details

Company Contact Details
R Systems International Limited
Registered Office: B – 104A, Greater Kailash – I, New Delhi – 110 048
Correspondence Address: C – 40, Sector – 59, Noida, Uttar Pradesh – 201 307
Tel. No.: +91 120-4303500 | Fax: +91 120-4082699
E-mail: investors@rsystems.com | Website: www.rsystems.com
Corporate Identification Number (CIN): L74899DL1993PLC053579
Contact Person: Mr. Bhasker Dubey, Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Tel. No.: +91 120-4303566 | Fax: +91 120-4082699 | E-mail: investors@rsystems.com


R Systems International Buyback News

News 1 – R Systems International Buyback PDF / Letter of Offer [Download]

News 2R Systems International Ltd – Draft Letter of Offer [Download]

FAQs of R Systems International Buyback

What is the R Systems International Buyback Period?

R Systems International Buyback Period is briefly the time interval starting from the date of declaration of results of the postal ballot through remote e-voting i.e. NA. The period basically ends on the date of payment of consideration to Eligible Shareholders who participated in the Buyback, i.e. NA.

What type of buyback is R Systems International Buyback?

This company has chosen the route of Tender offer to repurchase the shares from the eligible shareholders. The tender offer route is one of the Two Routes generally chosen by the companies, i.e. Tender Offer and Open Market Through Stock Exchanges.

What is the R Systems International Buyback Offer?

R Systems International Buyback Offer refers to the number of shares the company plans to buy back from the eligible shareholders. Herein, the company proposes to buy back 1,333,000 Fully paid up Equity shares, adhering to the buyback price.

When R Systems International Buyback offer will start?

As per the released schedule, the R Systems International Buyback offer will start on NA. This is the opening date from when the Buyback will open for all shareholders. You will find the updated records of R Systems International Buyback at all times, we ensure you have access to the right data.

When is the closing date of R Systems International Buyback?

For ease in access to the dates and related aspects, we have segregated the closing date of R Systems International Buyback. The buyback would close on NA. The closing date is the last day on which the Buyback shall be open for the shareholders.

What is the offer price for R Systems International Buyback?

The amount at which the shares are taken back by the company is referred to as  R Systems International Buyback offer price. Herein, each and every fully Paid-up equity share is priced at Rs.225, the price paid to each eligible shareholder.

What is the record date for R Systems International Buyback offer?

The record date of R Systems International Buyback is August 27, 2021. The record date is generally the day when eligible shareholders are declared. Furthermore, complying with Buyback regulations, the letter of offer and Tender form is sent to the eligible shareholders.

What is the issue size of R Systems International Buyback?

R Systems International Buyback Size is Rs.299,925,000 and is the total worth of Equity Shares the company plans on taking back. This amount is obtained from the total number of equity shares, multiplied by the Buyback price.

What is the necessity for R Systems International Buyback?

The objective of the R Systems International Buyback is to enhance the total return made by equity shareholders. Herein, the excess funds are given to the equity shareholders, which are over and above its ordinary capital requirements and in excess of any current investment plans. Through buyback, the company will distribute the surplus cash to shareholders as per their holding proportion.

Who is the Registrar to R Systems International Buyback offer?

The designated registrar of R Systems International Buyback is LINK INTIME INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED. You can find all the details related to the registrar in this report and contact them if you have any queries. You can check the details of the registrar, contact person, email address, and more.

Who is the Manager of the R Systems International Buyback offer?

The manager of the R Systems International Buyback is Motilal Oswal Investment Advisors Limited. The manager basically ensures that the company following up buyback strictly adheres to and is in conformity with the provisions of the Companies Act and Buyback Regulations.

How to check R Systems International buyback acceptance ratio?

The acceptance ratio is basically the proportion of shares the company accepts, to the final number of shares tendered. It refers to how much the company would buy back and how profitable it would be for you. You can also check how much profit (%) you will earn. Click on the link and check on the website page.

Where to find R Systems International Buyback Dates / Events?

You can check the table for the list of events, as designed for the buyback. This article is your one and final destination to check all the R Systems International Buyback information. You will encounter a section exclusively set to record the dates, in this article, referred to as R Systems International Buyback Dates.

What can be the Impact of R Systems International Buyback on the Company?

The Buyback will not in any manner impair the ability of the Company to pursue growth opportunities or meet its cash requirements for business operations. Buyback is expected to contribute to the overall enhancement of shareholder value and result in an increase in the return on equity of the Company. This Buyback is being undertaken, inter alia, for helping the Company to return surplus cash to the Eligible Shareholders broadly in proportion to their shareholding.

Where to find complete details on R Systems International Buyback?

As mentioned already, this page would give you every single detail about this buyback. Also, you find the link to download the Draft / Letter of Offer. Each and every section is vividly and carefully placed, giving you insights into all major as well as minor aspects of the ratio. The article is also inclusive of all the links.

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